post Signification, définition

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Signification de post en français

  • 0 a thick pole -- poteau [ masculine ]

    • Hammer the posts into the ground. Enfoncez les poteaux dans le sol à coups de marteau.

  • 1 a job or position -- poste [ masculine ]

    • We’re creating a new post in the department. Nous créons un nouveau poste dans le département.

  • 2 a place where a soldier is sent or positioned -- poste [ masculine ]

    • You must not leave your post. Vous ne devez pas quitter votre poste.

  • 3 mail -- poste [ feminine ]

    • a magazine that came in the post un magazine qui est arrivé par la poste

  • 4 to display information in a place where people can see it -- poster

    • They posted the picture on the Internet. Ils ont publié l’image sur Internet.

    • We posted signs around the neighborhood. Nous avons posté des panneaux dans tout le quartier.

  • 5 to send an employee somewhere to work -- affecter

    • He’s being posted to Hong Kong. Il est nommé à Hong Kong.

  • 6 mail -- poster

    • When did you post the letter? Quand avez-vous posté la lettre ?

  • 7 to tell sb about anything new that happens -- tenir au courant

    • Make sure you keep me posted about the wedding. Assure-toi de me tenir au courant du mariage.

  • 8 after or later -- post-

    • post-twentieth century literature la littérature postérieure au vingtième siècle

    • the post-war depression la dépression de l’après guerre

  • 9 (in some adjectives, nouns, and verbs) after or later than something -- post-

  • 10 a long piece of wood, metal etc, usually fixed upright in the ground -- poteau

    • The notice was nailed to a post

    • a gate-post

    • the winning-post.

  • 11 (the system of collecting, transporting and delivering) letters, parcels etc -- poste, courrier

    • I sent the book by post

    • Has the post arrived yet?

    • Is there any post for me?

  • 12 to send (a letter etc) by post -- poster

  • 13 a job -- poste

  • 14 a place of duty -- poste

    • The soldier remained at his post.

  • 15 a settlement, camp etc, especially in a distant or unpopulated area -- comptoir

    • a trading post.

  • 16 to send somewhere on duty -- poster, affecter

Plus de définitions de post

Exemples de post

  • We also rely on a public service to safeguard protection of privacy and ensure the kind of security we demand of the post office.

  • Privatisation might result in an unsound staffing policy, which will damage confidence in the post office.

  • The consultation reports stated that nearly 100% of people were in favour of keeping these post offices open.

  • Concerning the average open competition or 'concours', there are approximately 42 serious applicants - not to mention other applicants - to each published post.

  • The same applies to the post.

  • The post office is democracy.

  • There are no vacant posts left.

  • Our post also gets mixed up sometimes for the same reason.

Plus Exemples de post

Traductions de post dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    信件, 郵件, 郵政,郵遞…

  • 中文简体

    信件, 邮件, 邮政,邮递…

  • Español

    correo, puesto, poste…

  • Português

    correspondência, correio, posto…

  • 日本語

    郵便物, 郵便, 仕事…

  • Türk dili

    posta, posta teşkilâtı, gönderiler…

  • Catalan

    correu, lloc, plaça…

  • العربية

    بَريد, مَنْصِب, عَمود…

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