
  • En [ wel]
  • Us [ wel]


  • 0 in a good way, to a high or satisfactory standard -- 很好地,令人滿意地

  • 1 very much, to a great degree, or completely -- 非常;充分地;完全地

    • Knead the dough well, then divide it into four pieces. 充分揉捏麵團,然後將它分成四塊。

    • He could well imagine how much his promise was going to cost him. 他完全能想像出他要為自己的諾言付出多大代價。

    • I can't catch the bus - there are no buses after midnight, as you well know. 我沒法坐公車——午夜過後就沒有公車了,你很清楚這一點。

    • He plays the piano well enough (= to a satisfactory standard). 他鋼琴彈得非常好。

    • The results are well above/below what we expected. 結果比我們預想的要好/差得多。

    • Keep well away from the edge of the cliff. 離懸崖邊遠遠的。

    • It cost well over £100. 它的價格遠遠高於100英鎊。

    • Stand well clear of the doors! 離門遠點!

    • The police are well aware of the situation. 警方非常清楚形勢。

    • The museum is well worth a visit. 那家博物館很值得參觀。

    • Some machines look more like cheap, plastic toys - leave these well alone. 有些機器看起來更像那種廉價的塑膠玩具——千萬別去碰它們。

    • The film was well good. 那部電影非常不錯。

    • Watch out for those two - they're well hard (= strong and willing to use violence). 小心那兩個人——他們都不好惹。

  • 2 with good reason -- 有理由地;理由充分地

  • 3 in addition (to) -- 除…之外還;也;和

    • Invite Emily - and Scott as well. 邀請艾蜜莉——還有斯科特。

    • I want to visit Andrew as well as Martin. 我想去拜訪安德魯,還有馬丁。

  • 4 healthy; not ill -- 健康的

    • He hasn't been very well lately. 他最近身體不太好。

    • When she came home from school she really didn't look well. 她從學校回到家時,氣色看起來真不好。

    • I'm sorry you're ill - I hope you get well soon. 你生病了,我很難過——希望你盡快好起來。

    • They sent a get well card. 他們寄了一張祝願早日康復的慰問卡。

  • 5 used to introduce something you are going to say, often to show surprise, doubt, slight disagreement, or anger, or to continue a story -- (用於引出要說的話題,常用來表示驚訝、懷疑、不太同意或生氣,也用來繼續講故事)啊,哎呀,喲,那麼,好吧

    • Well, what shall we do now? 那麼,我們現在該做甚麼?

    • Well now/then, how are we going to arrange things? 那麼,現在我們該怎樣安排呢?

    • "Who was that?" "Well, I can't remember her name." 「那人是誰啊?」「嗯,我記不起她的名字了。」

    • "He's decided to give up his job and move to Seattle with her." "Well, well - that's what love does for you." 「他已經決定放棄自己的工作,跟她一起搬到西雅圖去。」「嗯,嗯——這就是愛情的力量。」

    • Well, really, that was thoughtless of him! 唉,說真的,他真是太輕率了!

    • Well? What did you do next? 嗯?你接下來做了甚麼?

    • Well, after that we went camping in the mountains. 唔,那之後我們就去山裡露營了。

    • Well/Oh well, it doesn't matter - I can always buy another one. 哦,沒關係——我可以再買一個。

    • Very well, if you insist I'll meet him next week. 好吧,如果你堅持,那我下週就見他一面。

  • 6 a deep hole in the ground from which you can get water, oil, or gas -- 水井;油井;氣井

  • 7 (of liquid) to appear on the surface of something or come slowly out from somewhere -- (液體)湧出,溢出

    • Dirty water welled (up) out of the damaged pipe. 污水從損壞的管道中冒了出來。

    • As she read the letter tears welled up in her eyes. 她讀信的時候眼淚奪眶而出。

    • figurative Conflicting emotions welled up in his heart. 他心裡感到很矛盾。

  • 8 short form of we will -- (we will 的縮略形式)

    • We'll do better next time, I'm sure. 下次我們會做得更好,我保證。





  • 中文简体

    以好的方式, 很好地,令人满意地, 到很深的程度…

  • Español

    bien, pues, pozo…

  • Português

    bem, bom, poço…

  • 日本語

    健康な, うまく, 上手に…

  • Français

    bien, eh bien, enfin…

  • Catalan

    bé, doncs, pou…

  • العربية

    بِصَحّة جَيّدة, بِشَكْل جَيّد, بِشَكْل كامِل…

  • Čeština

    studna, (schodištní) šachta, prýštit…








