
  • En [ ɒn]
  • Us [ ɑːn]


  • 0 used to show that something is in a position above something else and touching it, or that something is moving into such a position -- 在…上面;到…上面

    • Look at all the books on your desk! 看看你書桌上這麼多書!

    • Ow, you're standing on my foot! 哎喲,你踩著我的腳了!

    • Your suitcase is on top of the wardrobe. 你的手提箱在衣櫃頂上。

    • They live in that old house on the hill. 他們住在山上的那間舊房子裡。

    • I got on my bike and left. 我騎上腳踏車離開了。

  • 1 covering the surface of, being held by, or connected to something -- 在…上;連上的

  • 2 used to show when something happens -- (發生)在…時候

  • 3 used to show where something has been written, printed, or drawn -- (寫、印或畫)在…上

  • 4 used for showing some methods of travelling -- 乘,上(車等)

    • I love travelling on trains. 我喜歡乘火車旅行。

    • She's coming in on the 5.30 bus. 她將乘坐5點30分的公車到達。

    • We went to France on the ferry. 我們是乘渡輪去法國的。

    • It'd be quicker to get there on foot. 步行到那裡更快些。

    • two figures on horseback 馬背上的兩個身影

  • 5 used to show that a condition or process is being experienced -- 處於…狀況(或過程)中

  • 6 used to show the form in which something is recorded or performed -- (記錄、錄製或演出)以…方式,透過,使用

    • How much data can you store on the flash drive? 一張隨身碟能儲存多少數據?

    • When's the movie coming out on DVD? 這部電影的DVD甚麼時候推出?

    • I was really embarrassed the first time I saw myself on film. 第一次看到自己上電影時,我覺得很尷尬。

    • What's on TV tonight? 今晚電視有甚麼節目?

    • I wish there was more jazz on the radio. 我希望收音機裡多播放一些爵士樂。

  • 7 used to show what causes pain or injury as a result of being touched -- 在…上(受傷或碰傷)

  • 8 to or towards -- 在;向,朝,對

    • Our house is the first on the left after the post office. 我們家是郵局過後靠左第一家。

    • The attack on the village lasted all night. 對該村莊的進攻持續了一整夜。

    • I wish you wouldn't sneak up on me like that! 我希望你不要那樣躡手躡腳地靠近我!

  • 9 relating to -- 關於,有關;涉及

  • 10 used to show something for which a payment is made -- 付錢買…;在…上(花費)

    • He spent180 on a hat. 他花180歐元買了一頂帽子。

    • I've wasted a lot of money on this car. 我在這輛汽車上浪費了許多金錢。

    • We made a big profit on that deal. 我們在那筆生意上獲利甚豐。

    • How much interest are you paying on the loan? 這筆貸款你要支付多少利息?

  • 11 used to show a person or thing that is necessary for something to happen or that is the origin of something -- (表示需要或緣由)靠,指望,憑

  • 12 used to show when someone is involved or taking part in something -- (表示牽涉或參與其中)在從事…

    • I'm working on a new book. 我正在寫一本新書。

    • "Where had we got up to?" "We were on page 42." 「我們講到哪裡了?」「我們講到第42頁了。」

  • 13 used to show what is providing financial support or an income -- 以…為生,以…為收入

    • I only have $70 a week to live on at the moment. 目前我每週只靠70美元的收入過活。

    • He retired on a generous pension from the company. 他退休後靠公司提供的豐厚退休金生活。

    • UK She's on (= earning) £25,000 a year. 她的全年收入為2.5萬英鎊。

  • 14 used to show something that is used as food, fuel, or a drug -- (指食物、燃料、藥物等)用,吃,喝

    • What do mice live on? 老鼠吃甚麼為生?

    • Does this radio run on batteries? 這台收音機是用電池的嗎?

    • Is he on drugs? 他吸毒嗎?

  • 15 next to or along the side of -- 靠近,挨著;沿著;在…旁

    • It's a small town on the Mississippi River. 這是密西西比河上的一座小鎮。

    • Our house was on Sturton Street. 我們的房子在斯特頓大街上。

    • Strasbourg is on the border of France and Germany. 斯特拉斯堡位處德法邊界。

  • 16 used to show when someone is a member of a group or organization -- 是…的成員;屬於…組織

    • Have you ever served on a jury? 你參加過陪審團嗎?

    • There are no women on the committee. 該委員會沒有女性。

    • How many people are on your staff? 你有多少職員?

    • UK She's a researcher on a women's magazine. 她在一家女性雜誌做調查員。

  • 17 used when referring to a tool, instrument, or system that is used to do something -- (指工具、設備或系統)用,憑藉

  • 18 used to show when something is repeated one or more times -- (用於表示一再重複)又,再

  • 19 used when making a comparison -- (用於比較)與…相比

  • 20 used to show when someone has something in a pocket or in a bag that they are carrying -- 隨身攜帶

    • Do you have a spare pen on you? 你身上有沒有多餘的筆?

    • I don't have my driving licence on me. 我沒帶駕駛執照。

  • 21 happening after and usually because of -- 在…後;由於

  • 22 used to show who is paying for something -- 由…支付

    • Dinner meal is on me. 這頓飯我付錢。

    • She had her operation done on the National Health Service. 她享受國民醫療保健制度,免費做了手術。

  • 23 used to show who suffers when something does not operate as it should -- (表示運轉出故障時受影響的人)

    • The phone suddenly went dead on me. 我正在打電話,電話突然斷線了。

    • Their car broke down on them on the way home. 他們的汽車在回家的途中拋錨了。

  • 24 used to show the number of points a person or team has in a competition -- (競賽中)得…分

    • Clive's team is on five points while Joan's is on seven. 克萊夫所在隊得5分,瓊所在隊得7分。

  • 25 on your body or someone's body -- 穿著…地,帶著…地

    • It's very cold so put a coat on. 天氣很冷,穿上大衣吧。

    • She wanders around the house with nothing on. 她光著身體在房裡四處走動。

    • Can you remember what he had on (= was wearing)? 你記得他穿甚麼衣服嗎?

    • I tried on a few jackets, but none of them looked nice. 我試了好幾件外套,可是都不好看。

    • Screw the lid on tightly. 把蓋子緊緊地擰上。

    • Surgeons managed to sew the finger back on. 外科醫生成功地把手指接回去了。

  • 26 used to show when something is operating or starting to operate -- 開著;在工作中;開始運行

    • Could you switch on the radio? 你能把開收音機嗎?

    • Would you turn the TV on? 請開電視機好嗎?

    • You left the bedroom light on. 你忘了關睡房的燈。

  • 27 continuing or not stopping -- 繼續下去;不停地

  • 28 into a bus, train, plane, etc., or in the correct position to start using some other method of travelling -- 上(公車、火車、飛機等交通工具)

  • 29 performing -- 上場表演;在演出

    • Hurry up with the make-up - I'm on in ten minutes. 趕快化妝——我10分鐘後出場。

    • The audience cheered as the band came on (= came onto the stage). 樂隊上臺的時候,觀眾們歡呼起來。

  • 30 continuing forward in time or space -- 向前,前進地

    • They never spoke to each other from that day on (= after that day). 從那天起,他們彼此之間再沒說過話。

    • What are you doing later on? 你過一會兒要做甚麼?

    • When you're done with it, would you pass it on to Paul? 你看完後把它傳給保羅好嗎?

    • UK Move on, please, and let the ambulance through. 請往前,讓救護車過去。

    • UK You cycle on and I'll meet you there. 你騎車向前走,我在那裡和你會合。

  • 31 happening or planned -- 正在發生;根據預定計劃

    • Is the party still on for tomorrow? 明天聚會仍然舉行嗎?

    • I'm busy tomorrow, but I've got nothing on the day after. 我明天很忙,不過後天沒甚麼事。

    • I've got a lot on at the moment. 我這陣子事情很多。

    • Food had to be rationed when the war was on. 戰時食物必須實行定量配給。

    • Are there any good movies on (= being shown) this week? 這週電影院有甚麼好電影嗎?

  • 32 used when talking about the position of one thing compared with the position of another -- (用於表示相對位置)





  • 中文简体

    在…之上, 在…上面, 到…上面…

  • Español

    en, sobre, el (día)…

  • Português

    sobre, em, no/na…

  • 日本語

    (表面に接して)~の上に, ~にくっついて, (日にち、曜日)に…

  • Türk dili

    üstüne, üstünde, ...da/de…

  • Français

    sur, à, dans…

  • Catalan

    a, en, sobre…

  • العربية

    عَلى, فِي (يَوْم أو تاريخ), في…








