
  • 0 an idea, opinion, or piece of information that is said or written -- 觀點;論點

    • "We'll take the bus." "But we don't have any money for the fare." "That's a point." 「我們乘公共汽車吧。」「但我們沒錢買車票。」「這倒是。」

    • The fact that he doesn't want to come is beside the point - he should have been invited. 他不想來這並不重要——重要的是他本來應該受邀請的。

    • OK, you've made your point (= told us your opinion) - there's no need to go on about it. 好,你已經表明了你的觀點,沒必要再多說了。

    • Yes, I can see your point/you've got a point there. 是的,我明白你的意思/你說得有道理。

    • He hasn't got much money, but that's not the point (= that is not the important thing). 他沒有多少錢,但這不是重點。

    • Please get to the point (= say the thing that is most important to you). 請言歸正轉。

    • I take your point/Point taken (= I understand that what you are saying is important). 我明白你的意思。

    • I think you missed (= did not understand) the point of what she was saying. 我認為你沒有理解她說的要點。

    • The point is, if you don't claim the money now you might never get it. 重要的是,如果你現在不索取這筆錢的話,你可能就再也得不到了。

    • You made some interesting points in your speech. 你發言中有些觀點很有趣。

    • I'd like to discuss the first point in your essay. 我想討論一下你文章中的第一點。

  • 1 a particular time or stage reached in a process -- 時刻;階段

    • This is a good point from which to watch the race. 這是個觀看比賽的好地方。

    • the point where the road bends 公路拐彎處

    • I said I'd tell her the bad news, but when it came to the point (= when I had to do it), I couldn't. 我說過我要告訴她這個壞消息,但真要開口的時候,我卻說不出口了。

    • [ + question word ] It was so confusing that eventually it got to the point where no one knew what was going on. 這件事很莫名其妙,最後無人知道到底發生了甚麼事。

    • I was completely lost at one point. 我一度完全不知所措了。

    • At that point, a soldier opened fire on the car. 就在此時,一個士兵向轎車開了火。

  • 2 purpose or usefulness -- 目的,意義;用處

    • I see little point in discussing this further. 我看不出繼續討論還有甚麼意義。

    • I'd like to write to him, but what's the point? He never writes back. 我願意寫信給他,但這有甚麼用呢?他從不回信。

    • [ + -ing verb ] informal There's no point arguing about it - we're going and that's that. 爭辯也沒有用——我們要去,就這麼定了。

  • 3 a mark or unit for counting, especially how much a person or team has scored in a sport -- (尤指體育運動的)比分,得分

  • 4 the sharp end of something, such as a knife -- (刀等的)尖(端)

  • 5 a particular quality or characteristic of a person or thing -- 特點;特質;特徵










