
  • En [ stɪk]
  • Us [ stɪk]


  • 0 a thin piece of wood or other material -- 枝條;木條,木棍

    • The old man was carrying a load of sticks. 那個老人抱著一捆樹枝。

    • Police said that the child had been beaten with a stick. 警方說那個孩子被人用木棍打了。

    • Find some dry sticks and we'll make a campfire. 找些乾樹枝,我們來生營火。

    • A lollipop is a sweet on a stick. 棒棒糖是一團裹在小棍上的糖。

    • a walking stick 拐杖

    • At 84 he's still quite active, although he walks with the aid of a stick. 他84歲了,雖然走路需要拄著拐杖,可仍舊非常硬朗。

    • a hockey/lacrosse/polo stick 曲棍球球棍/長曲棍球球棍/馬球球杆

    • carrot/bread sticks 胡蘿蔔條/麵包棍

    • a stick of celery/rhubarb/chewing gum/chalk/dynamite 一根芹菜/一棵大黃/一片口香糖/一根粉筆/一根炸藥

    • Do you drive a stick? 你開手動車嗎?

    • When they got married, they didn't have a stick of furniture. 他們結婚時,一件傢俱都沒有。

    • He said that when he was a boy, his father used to take a stick to him to punish him. 他說他小時候,他爸爸經常用棍子懲罰他。

  • 1 severe criticism -- 指責,苛責;批評

    • I really got/took stick from my boss about being late for work again. 我因為上班又遲到了,被老闆狠狠數落一頓。

    • We gave him some stick for wearing that silly hat. 他戴著那頂愚蠢透頂的帽子,被我們批評了一頓。

  • 2 an area in the countryside that is far from a town or city -- 偏僻鄉村,偏遠地區

    • I'm sick of living in the sticks. 我受夠了窮鄉僻壤的生活。

    • They live out in the sticks somewhere. 他們住在某個偏遠的地方。

  • 3 to cause something to become fixed, for example with glue or another similar substance -- 黏住,黏貼;固定住

    • I tried to stick the pieces together with some glue/tape. 我想用膠水/膠帶把這些物件黏在一起。

    • He stuck up an announcement on the board with pins. 他用大頭針把告示釘在佈告欄上。

    • This glue won't stick. 這種膠水黏不牢。

    • My car's stuck in the mud. 我的車陷在泥裡。

    • Stir the sauce so that it doesn't stick to the pan. 不斷攪拌醬汁,以免黏鍋。

    • My book got wet and all the pages have stuck together. 我的書濕了,書頁都黏在一起。

    • Although her name is Clare, her little sister called her Lali, and somehow the name stuck. 雖然她的名字是克萊爾,她的妹妹卻叫她拉莉,不知怎麼的,這個名字就叫開了。

  • 4 to put something somewhere, especially in a not very careful way -- (尤指隨意)放置,放

    • "Where shall I put these books?" "Oh, just stick them on the table for now." 「我該把這些書放在哪裡?」 「噢,就先放在桌子上吧。」

    • She stuck her fingers in her ears so that she couldn't hear the noise. 她用手指塞住耳朵,這樣就聽不到那些噪音了。

    • I'll pay for lunch - I can stick it on my expenses. 午餐我來請客——我可以把它算入報賬費用。

    • "I've had enough of working here," she said, "You can stick your job!" 「我這裡要做的事已經夠多了,」她說,「你的工作自己留著吧!」

  • 5 to push a pointed object into or through something, or (of a pointed object) to be pushed into or through something and stay there -- (把)(尖物)刺進,插進;戳

    • She stuck the needle into my arm. 她把針頭紮進我的手臂。

    • We decided where to go for our holiday by closing our eyes and sticking a pin in the map. 我們閉上眼睛,用大頭針往地圖上插,這樣決定了去哪裡度假。

    • A thorn stuck in her finger. 她的手指紮了一根刺。

    • The metal springs were sticking through the mattress. 金屬彈簧穿透墊子,露了出來。

  • 6 In some card games, if you stick, you say that you do not want to be given any more cards. -- (牌戲中)不再要牌

  • 7 to bear or accept something or someone unpleasant -- 容忍,忍受

    • I don't think I can stick this job a day longer. 我認為這份工作我一天也忍受不下去了。

    • [ + -ing verb ] I don't know how you can stick living in this place. 我不知道你住在這樣的地方怎麼能受得了。





  • 中文简体

    细条, 枝条, 木条,木棍…

  • Español

    pegar(se), clavar, atascarse…

  • Português

    colar, grudar, enfiar…

  • 日本語

    くっつく, ~をくっつける, 貼り付ける…

  • Türk dili

    yapıştırmak, takılmak, saplanmak…

  • Français

    (se) planter, mettre, fourrer…

  • Catalan

    enganxar(-se), clavar, encallar-se…

  • العربية

    يُلْصِق, يَغْرُز, يَعْلُق…








