
  • En [ snæp]
  • Us [ snæp]


  • 0 to cause something that is thin to break suddenly and quickly with a cracking sound -- 突然折斷,哢嚓一聲折斷

    • You'll snap that ruler if you bend it too far. 如果你把那把尺子彎得太厲害,它就會哢嚓一下折斷。

    • Some vandal's snapped off my car aerial again. 某個蓄意作惡的傢夥又把我的汽車天線折斷了。

    • When she asked me to postpone my trip to help her move to her new house, I just snapped (= got angry). 她叫我把旅行延期去幫她搬家時,我一下子就惱火了。

  • 1 to move into a position quickly, producing a short noise as if breaking -- (使)啪地突然移動(到某位置)

    • Tendons store elastic energy by stretching and then snapping back into shape like rubber bands. 肌腱透過橡皮筋似的拉伸和迅速縮回貯存了彈力。

    • Simply snap the pieces into place. 把這些小片啪地一聲推到位就行。

    • After substantial losses last year, the company has snapped back to profitability (= started making profits again). 去年出現钜額虧損之後,這家公司的經濟狀況又迅速好轉,開始盈利了。

    • She snapped her book shut and got up to leave. 她啪地闔上書,起身離開了。

    • Her mouth snapped shut when she realized he'd heard everything she'd said about him. 意識到自己所說的一切關於他的話都被他聽到了之後,她立刻閉上了嘴。

  • 2 If an animal snaps, it tries to bite someone. -- 咬,咬人

  • 3 to say something suddenly in an angry way -- 厲聲說,惡聲惡氣地說

    • There's no need to snap at me - it's not my fault that you lost your wallet. 何必對我這樣口氣這麼差——你丟了錢包又不是我的錯。

    • [ + speech ] "Well, I hate you too!" she snapped. 「哼,我也恨你!」她厲聲說。

  • 4 to take a lot of photographs quickly -- 拍快照

    • He was arrested for snapping photos of a military parade. 他因拍攝了閱兵的快照而被逮捕。

    • She's very pleased with her new camera and was snapping away the whole time we were abroad. 她對自己的新相機十分滿意,我們在國外時,她一直不停地拍照。

  • 5 to fasten using two small pieces of metal or plastic, one of which is pushed into the other -- 把(兩片金屬或塑膠片)扣上

    • He snapped up his jacket. 他把外套扣上了。

  • 6 a sudden loud sound like something breaking or closing -- 喀嚓聲;突然折斷(或闔上)的聲音

    • She broke the stick over her knee with a loud snap. 她哢嚓一聲用膝蓋折斷了棍子。

  • 7 an informal photograph that is not very skilful or artistic -- 快照,快相

    • holiday snaps 假期拍的快照

    • Did you take many snaps while you were away? 你出遊的時候拍了很多照片嗎?

  • 8 a card game in which the players compete to call out the word "snap" when they see two cards that have the same value -- 呼「同」牌遊戲(一種紙牌遊戲,玩家搶先看到有兩張相同的牌時呼「同」)

    • a game of snap 呼「同」牌遊戲

  • 9 something that can be done without any difficulty -- 容易的事,好辦的事

    • "Will you finish on time?" "Sure thing. It's a snap." 「你能按時完成嗎?」「當然,太容易了。」

    • Talking to girls is a snap for him. 和女孩子交談對他來說十分容易。

  • 10 in American football, the act of passing the ball backward to start play -- (美式橄欖球)開球

  • 11 done suddenly without allowing time for careful thought or preparation -- 匆忙的;不加思索的;不做準備的

  • 12 "Snap!" is what you say in the game of snap when two cards of the same value have been played. -- (呼「同」牌遊戲中的)「同!」

    • Snap! We're wearing the same shirts! 太巧了!我們穿了同樣的襯衫!



  • He put too much pressure on the door handle and it snapped.

  • Everything was fine until the wire snapped.

  • The shoulder strap suddenly snapped.

  • She snapped the carrot in two.

  • The branch snapped under his weight.

  • Structural damage to each tree was recorded: trunk snap, branch damage, bark damage, or a leaning bole.

  • Almost all of the individuals that sprouted were snapped off trees, although sprouts were recorded eventually for partially uprooted trees.

  • And these are not just 300-word snap judgments but 2000-word essays with space to extend and develop their themes.



  • 中文简体

    折断, 突然折断,咔嚓一声折断, 突然无法控制情感,突然发作(尤指动怒)…

  • Español

    romper(se), quebrar(se), hablar bruscamente…

  • Português

    romper(-se), quebrar(-se), falar brusca e asperamente…

  • 日本語

    ポキッと折れる, きつい口調で言う, 食ってかかる…

  • Türk dili

    aniden kopmak/koparmak, ters ters konuşmak, paylamak…

  • Français

    (se) casser (avec un bruit sec), ouvrir/fermer etc. avec un bruit sec / en claquant, dire d’un ton hargneux…

  • Catalan

    petar, trencar(-se), parlar bruscament…

  • العربية

    يَنْكَسِر, يُخاطِب بِحِدّة, يَنَقَضّ عَلى…








