
  • En [ ˈəʊ.vər]
  • Us [ ˈoʊ.vɚ]


  • 0 above or higher than something else, sometimes so that one thing covers the other; above -- 在…上方

    • The sign over the door said "Exit". 門上方的牌子上寫著「出口」。

    • She held the umbrella over both of us. 她撐著傘,為我們兩人擋雨。

    • Helicopters dropped leaflets over the city. 直升機在城市上空散發傳單。

    • I put my hands over my eyes/ears because I couldn't bear to watch/listen. 我用手捂住眼睛/耳朵,因為我看/聽不下去。

    • I couldn't hear what she was saying over the noise of the planes taking off (= the planes were louder than her voice). 因為飛機起飛時噪聲太大,我聽不清她在說甚麼。

  • 1 in a position that is covering something -- 覆蓋;在…上面

    • Put a clean cloth over the cakes while they cool. 在蛋糕變涼的時候,在上面放一塊乾淨的布。

    • I put a shawl over my shoulders. 我在肩上披了條披肩。

  • 2 across from one side to the other, especially by going up and then down -- (越)過;從一邊到另一邊

    • She jumped over the gate. 她躍過大門。

    • The road goes over the mountains, not through a tunnel. 這條路並不是穿過隧道,而是翻山而過。

    • She is always chatting with her neighbour over the garden fence. 她總是和鄰居隔著花園的籬笆閒聊。

    • From the top of the tower you could see for miles over the city. 在塔頂上你能俯瞰這個城市,可以看到好幾英里遠。

    • Tanks travel over the most difficult ground. 坦克能在最難通行的道路上行駛。

  • 3 falling down from somewhere -- 從…墜落

    • The coin rolled over the edge of the table. 硬幣從桌邊滾了下來。

    • Harold jumped out of the car just before it went over the cliff. 就在汽車從懸崖邊翻落下去之前,哈樂德從車裡跳了出來。

    • She tripped over a toy lying on the path. 她被小徑上的一個玩具絆倒了。

  • 4 more than -- 在…以上,多於

    • Most of the carpets cost/are over $5,000. 這些地毯價格大多在5000美元以上。

    • Children over the age of twelve (= older than twelve) pay the full price. 12歲以上的孩子必須買全票。

    • I value quality of life over money. 我把生活品質看得比金錢更重要。

    • They are already $25 million over budget. 他們的花費已經超過預算2500萬美元了。

    • They receive extra money over and above the usual welfare payments. 除了通常的福利費以外,他們還收到一筆額外的補助。

  • 5 on the other side of -- 在…的另一邊

    • There's a bar over the road we could go to. 我們可以去路那邊的一家酒吧。

    • The story continues over the page. 故事轉下一頁。

  • 6 (referring to a cause of interest, worry, discussion, etc.) connected with or about -- 與…有關,關於,因為

  • 7 during something, or while doing something -- 在…期間

  • 8 to feel physically or mentally better after an illness or an upsetting experience -- 從(疾病或不愉快的經歷中)恢復過來

  • 9 in control of or teaching someone or something -- (表示控制或管教)在…之上,高於

  • 10 using -- 用

    • They spoke over the phone. 他們在電話裡交談。

    • We heard the news over the radio. 我們是從收音機裡聽到這個消息的。

  • 11 sometimes used when talking about a calculation in which one number is divided by another number -- 除以

    • 40 over 7 is roughly 6. 40除以7約等於6。

  • 12 from a higher to a lower position; down -- (從…)向下

  • 13 across; from one side or place to another -- 越過;從一邊(或一地)到另一邊(或另一地)

    • She leaned over and kissed me. 她俯身過來吻了我。

    • A fighter plane flew over. 一架戰鬥機在空中掠過。

    • Why don't you come over (= come to my house) for dinner on Thursday? 星期四過來吃晚餐吧?

    • A friend of mine from France is over visiting us this week (= a friend came from France and is staying with us). 這週有個從加拿大來的朋友住在我這兒。

    • Now we're going over to (= there will be a broadcast from) Wembley for commentary on the Cup Final. 現在我們來聽聽來自溫布利體育場的關於杯賽決賽的實況報道。

    • Come over here - it's warmer. 過來——這兒較暖。

    • Who's that man over there? 那邊那個男人是誰?

    • She turned another page over. 她又翻了一頁。

    • The dog rolled over onto its back. 狗翻過身仰面躺著。

    • The children rolled over and over (= turned over many times) down the gentle slope. 孩子們在緩坡上一次次地滾下來玩。

    • Would you mind changing/swapping those plates over? 可以把那些碟子調換一下位置嗎?

    • She changed over to editing from marketing. 她不做行銷,改當編輯了。

    • Why should we hand over the money to them? 為什麼我們要把錢交給他們?

    • I've done everything I can - now it's over to you (= it's your turn to take action). 我能做的都做了——現在該看你的行動。

  • 14 above or higher than something else, sometimes so that one thing covers the other -- 在…上方

  • 15 more than a particular amount or level -- 超過,以上

  • 16 (especially of an event) finished -- (尤指事件)結束的,完畢的

  • 17 extra; not used -- 額外地;剩餘地

    • I have some euros left over from the last time I was in France. 上回我去法國還剩了些歐元。

    • UK When all the guests had gone, we realized there was lots of food over. 客人都走了以後,我們發現還剩下很多食物。

  • 18 again or repeatedly -- 再,又;重複地

    • You ruined it - now I'll have to do it over! 你把它弄砸了——現在我要再做一遍!

  • 19 said when you are talking to someone by radio, to mean that you have finished speaking and will wait for their answer -- (用於無線電通話)完畢,請回話

    • "This is flight 595X. Do you read me? Over." 「這裡是595X航班。你聽到了嗎?完畢。」

    • "Thank you, control tower. Over and out." 「謝謝,控制塔。通話完畢。」

  • 20 (in cricket) a set of six bowls (= throws) from the same end of the field -- (板球中的)一輪投球數

  • 21 too much or more than usual -- 太,過分

    • The children got over-excited (= too excited). 孩子們興奮過頭了。

  • 22 more than -- 在…以上,超過

    • a club for the over-50s 50歲以上人士參加的俱樂部

  • 23 across -- (越)過;從一邊到另一邊

  • 24 above -- 懸於…之上;突出於…之上





  • 中文简体

    更高处, 在…上方, 涂盖…

  • Español

    por encima de, más, durante…

  • Português

    sobre, acima de, por cima de…

  • 日本語

    ~を覆って, (数量、年齢が)それより上の, ~の上方を…

  • Français

    par terre, de part en part, au-dessus…

  • Catalan

    per sobre de, més, durant…

  • العربية

    فَوق, عَلى, أكْثَر…

  • Čeština

    nad, přes, na…








