just Signification, définition

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Signification de just en français

  • 0 exactly -- exactement

    • That’s just what I was looking for. C’est exactement ce que je cherchais.

    • just the way we expected exactement de la manière dont nous nous y attendions

  • 1 by a little -- juste

    • I walked in just before Miriam. Je suis entré juste avant Myriam.

    • just over 20,000 people juste un peu plus de 20 000 personnes

    • The cab pulled up just in time. Le taxi s’arrêta juste à temps.

    • I only just remembered in time. Je me rappelai tout juste à temps.

  • 2 very recently -- à l’instant

    • I just saw her outside. Je viens juste de la voir dehors.

  • 3 at this moment -- justement

    • I’m just on the last page. Je suis justement sur la dernière page.

    • He was just going to call her. Il allait justement l’appeler.

  • 4 used with adjective and adverbs to mean equally -- tout aussi …

    • It’s just as beautiful as the pictures. C’est tout aussi magnifique que les photographies.

    • This government is just as corrupt. Le gouvernement est tout aussi corrompu.

    • The food is good, and just as importantly, the prices are good too. La nourriture est bonne et, tout aussi important, les prix sont bien également.

  • 5 not more or more important and not less -- juste

    • I’ll just be a minute. Je n’en aurai que pour une minute.

    • It was just a joke. C’était juste une plaisanterie.

    • He’s not just another teacherhe’s something special. Ce n’est pas juste un professeur de plus, c’est quelque chose de spécial.

  • 6 almost -- presque

    • just about 5% of the vote presque 5% du vote

    • The coffee’s just about gone. Il n’y a presque plus de café.

  • 7 used to ask sb politely to wait or stop what they are doing -- (juste) une minute / une seconde / un moment

    • Just a minuteI’m coming. Une minute, j’arrive.

    • Just a minute, now. You can’t accuse me of lying. Attends, une minute. Tu ne peux pas m’accuser de mentir.

  • 8 indicates there is a reason for seeing sth as good rather than bad -- (c’est) tant mieux

    • It’s just as well we stayed home, because we don’t have much money. C’est tant mieux que nous soyons restés à la maison parce que nous n’avons pas beaucoup d’argent.

  • 9 indicates that the fact that one thing is true does not make another one true -- ce n’est pas parce que … que …

  • 10 immediately or very quickly -- instantanément

    • My parents brought the new baby home, and just like that everything changed. Mes parents ont ramené le nouveau-né à la maison et instantanément, tout a changé.

  • 11 indicates sb prefers to do one thing rather than another -- qqn aimerait autant faire qqch

    • I’d just as soon go out to eat. J’aimerais autant sortir manger.

  • 12 treating people in a fair and moral way -- juste

    • a just peace for the two peoples une paix juste pour les deux peuples

  • 13 right and fair, not favouring/favoring one more than another -- juste, exactement

  • 14 reasonable; based on one’s rights -- juste

  • 15 deserved -- juste

  • 16 (often with as) exactly or precisely -- exactement

    • This penknife is just what I needed

    • He was behaving just as if nothing had happened

    • The house was just as I’d remembered it.

  • 17 (with as) equally -- tout aussi

  • 18 very lately or recently -- venir de

    • He has just gone out of the house.

  • 19 on the point of; in the process of -- sur le point de, en train de

    • She is just coming through the door.

  • 20 at the particular moment -- à l’instant (où)

  • 21 (often with only) barely -- (tout) juste

  • 22 only; merely -- juste, rien que

    • They waited for six hours just to get a glimpse of the Queen

    • ‘Where are you going?’ ‘Just to the post office’

    • Could you wait just a minute?

  • 23 used for emphasis, eg with commands -- donc, (tout) simplement

  • 24 absolutely -- absolument

Plus de définitions de just

Exemples de just

  • I just want to insert a word of caution.

  • I remember having to cycle eight kilometres in the winter of 1944 just to get two eggs.

  • Why should it suddenly find another committee responsible for the subject matter just because somebody sent a petition to that other committee?

  • For this to become a reality in everyday life, and not just a pretty catch-phrase, compliance with the accession commitments is crucial.

  • It is just that the staging is a little tired and the cast is less than brilliant.

  • It is not just a matter of structures and rules, then, but of mentality.

  • I agree with the previous speakers that holding this debate so late, just before midnight, is not a good idea.

  • We are just about to sweep one of these values under the carpet and my group cannot vote in favour of that.

Plus Exemples de just

Traductions de just dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    現在, 此時, 很快…

  • 中文简体

    现在, 此时, 很快…

  • Español

    hace poco tiempo, ya, inmediatamente…

  • Português

    há pouco tempo, agora, já…

  • 日本語

    ちょうど(~したばかり), ちょうど今, ~だけ…

  • Türk dili

    yalnız, sadece, az evvel…

  • Catalan

    fa poc temps, ara mateix, immediatament…

  • العربية

    مُنْذُ بُرْهة, الآن, للتَو…

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