just Significado & definición

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Significado de just en español

  • 0 a very short time ago -- hace poco tiempo

    • I’ve just seen him.

    • We’ve only just begun.

  • 1 now or very soon -- ya, inmediatamente

  • 2 only -- sólo

  • 3 used to make something you are saying stronger -- sencillamente, realmente

  • 4 exactly -- justo, exactamente

  • 5 almost not -- por los pelos

  • 6 almost -- casi

  • 7 to be going to do something very soon -- estar a punto de hacer algo

    • I was just about to call you.

  • 8 equally bad, good, important, etc. -- tan malo, bueno, importante, etc. (como alguien/algo)

  • 9 a little before, over, under, etc. something else -- poco antes de, más de, menos de, etc.

    • It costs just under £10.

  • 10 used to say that it is lucky that something happened -- menos mal (que)

  • 11 fair or morally right -- justo

  • 12 exactly -- justo

    • That’s just what I was looking for. Eso es justo lo que estaba buscando.

    • just the way we expected justo como esperábamos

  • 13 by a little -- justo

    • I walked in just before Miriam. Entré justo antes de Miriam.

    • just over 20,000 people justo un poco más de 20,000 personas

    • The cab pulled up just in time. El taxi se detuvo justo a tiempo.

    • I only just remembered in time. Apenas acabo de recordarlo.

  • 14 very recently -- acabar de

  • 15 at this moment -- justo

    • I’m just on the last page. Estoy justo en la última página.

    • He was just going to call her. Él justo iba a llamarla.

  • 16 used with adjective and adverbs to mean equally -- al igual que

    • It’s just as beautiful as the pictures. Es igual de hermoso que en las fotos.

    • This government is just as corrupt. Este gobierno es igual de corrupto.

    • The food is good, and just as importantly, the prices are good too. La comida está buena, y al igual de importante, los precios son también buenos.

  • 17 not more important and not less -- solo

    • I’ll just be a minute. Solamente será un minuto.

    • It was just a joke. Solo era una broma.

    • He’s not just another teacherhe’s something special. Él no es solamente otro maestro – es especial.

  • 18 almost -- casi

    • just about 5% of the vote más o menos el 5% de los votos

    • The coffee’s just about gone. Ya no queda casi café.

  • 19 used to ask sb politely to wait or stop what they are doing -- un minuto

    • Just a minuteI’m coming. Un momento – ya voy.

    • Just a minute, now. You can’t accuse me of lying. Un momento, ahora. No puedes acusarme de mentir.

  • 20 indicates there is a reason for seeing sth as good rather than bad -- menos mal que

    • It’s just as well we stayed home, because we don’t have much money. Es mejor que nos quedemos en casa, porque no tenemos mucho dinero.

  • 21 indicates that the fact that one thing is true does not make another one true -- solo porque

  • 22 immediately or very quickly -- de repente

    • My parents brought the new baby home, and just like that everything changed. Mis padres trajeron al nuevo bebé a casa, y de repente todo cambió.

  • 23 indicates sb prefers to do one thing rather than another -- preferir

    • I’d just as soon go out to eat. Yo preferiría salir a comer.

  • 24 treating people in a fair and moral way -- justo/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a just peace for the two peoples una paz justa para los dos pueblos

Más definiciones de just

Ejemplos de just

  • We have only just begun to reflect on these exit strategies.

  • It is not just businesses that are affected.

  • I would just like to emphasise two points.

  • I would just like to make two specific comments.

  • I would just like to say one thing about not reading reports.

  • However, these are just the tip of the iceberg.

  • In all honesty, as you said just now, we can see right through this ...

  • I would not wish to deny the truth of the statement that has just been made.

Más ejemplos de just

Traducciones de just en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    現在, 此時, 很快…

  • 中文简体

    现在, 此时, 很快…

  • Português

    há pouco tempo, agora, já…

  • 日本語

    ちょうど(~したばかり), ちょうど今, ~だけ…

  • Türk dili

    yalnız, sadece, az evvel…

  • Français

    exactement, juste, à l’instant…

  • Catalan

    fa poc temps, ara mateix, immediatament…

  • العربية

    مُنْذُ بُرْهة, الآن, للتَو…

Más traducciones de just