give Signification, définition

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Signification de give en français

  • 0 to put sth in sb’s hand or near sb -- donner

    • I gave her the money. Je lui ai donné l’argent.

    • Give the ball to your brother. Donne le ballon à ton frère.

  • 1 to provide sb with sth they can keep or use -- donner

    • to give presents offrir des cadeaux

    • The doctor gave the child some medicine. Le médecin a donné des médicaments à l’enfant.

    • She gave us something to eat. Elle nous a donné quelque chose à manger.

    • to give sb help apporter de l’aide à qqn

  • 2 to provide sth to help sb -- donner

    • to give money/food to charity donner de l’argent / la nourriture à des œuvres caritatives

    • Aid agencies want the governments to give more often. Les organisations humanitaires veulent que les gouvernements donnent plus souvent.

  • 3 to cause to happen or exist -- donner

    • The sunlight gave the landscape a golden glow. La lumière du soleil donnait au paysage un éclat doré.

    • Helping the kids gave me a good feeling. Aider les enfants me procurait un sentiment agréable.

  • 4 to allow to have or do -- donner

    • The teacher gave us a week to write the paper. Le professeur nous a accordé une semaine pour écrire cet article.

    • to give permission to do sth donner/accorder la permission de faire qqch

  • 5 to say or communicate -- donner

    • Please give your father our love. S’il te plaît, fais mes amitiés à ton père.

    • The teacher’s book gives the answers. Le livre du professeur donne les réponses.

    • to give a speech/talk faire un discours

  • 6 used before some nouns of action to say that the action is done -- donner

    • to give sb a hug/kiss étreindre/embrasser qqn

    • Give me a call later. Appelle-moi plus tard.

    • I gave it a try. J’ai fait un essai.

    • I’ll give it some thought. J’y penserai.

  • 7 to pay money to have -- payer

    • I’ll give you $20 for the T-shirt. Je te paierai 20 $ pour ce T-shirt.

  • 8 to infect with an illness -- donner

    • I gave him the flu. Je lui ai transmis la grippe.

  • 9 (of a teacher) to say a piece of work has earned a particular grade -- donner

    • Ms. Greenwood gave him a B in science. Mlle Greenwood lui a donné un “bien” en sciences.

  • 10 to stretch or be flexible -- se détendre

    • The leather will give a little as you wear it. Le cuir va se détendre un peu tandis que vous le porterez.

  • 11 indicates an amount or number could be slightly lower or higher -- plus ou moins

    • It will take about an hour, give or take. Cela prendra une heure, plus ou moins.

  • 12 the ability to stretch or be flexible -- souplesse [ feminine ]

    • The structure must have some give in it. La structure doit posséder un peu de souplesse.

  • 13 the ability to compromise -- concessions [ feminine, plural ]

    • A good relationship involves some give and take. Une bonne relation implique quelques concessions.

  • 14 to reject or be rejected abruptly -- envoyer balader

    • She gave him the brush-off after he’d asked her out on a date.

  • 15 to cause to have -- donner

  • 16 to produce (something) -- donner

  • 17 to yield, bend, break etc -- céder

  • 18 to organize (some event etc) -- donner, organiser

  • 19 the ability to yield or bend under pressure -- élasticité

    • This type of wood has a lot of give in it.

Plus de définitions de give

Exemples de give

  • We should hold a separate debate on the issue, instead of bringing it up at every given opportunity.

  • We have had enough of giving in to fear.

  • We are no longer prepared to give way.

  • I call on you not to give in to these temptations and not to transform a technical debate into a debate belonging to historians.

  • To confuse them would be to give way to populist rhetoric.

  • For me, in my capacity as a representative of the people, it is important not to give way in the fight against drugs.

  • The discussions went on all night with each side going to and fro and neither wanting to give in.

  • Without a clear ban on the commercialisation of the human body we risk being forced to give in to the market, which will handle trade in cells.

Plus Exemples de give

Traductions de give dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    提供, 送給, 贈與…

  • 中文简体

    提供, 送给, 赠与…

  • Español

    dar, pasar, proporcionar…

  • Português

    dar, passar, fazer…

  • 日本語

    (人)に(物)をあげる, 与える, (人)に(物)を手渡す…

  • Türk dili

    vermek, sunmak, (hak…

  • Catalan

    donar, fer…

  • العربية

    يُعْطي, يَمْنَح, يُخْبِر…

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