give Significado & definición

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Significado de give en español

  • 0 to provide someone with something -- dar

  • 1 to put something in someone’s hand so that they can use it or look at it -- dar

    • Can you give me that pen?

  • 2 to tell someone something -- dar

  • 3 to do an action -- dar

    • He gave her a kiss.

  • 4 to produce or cause something -- dar

    • What you said has given me an idea.

    • That book gave me an idea.

  • 5 to allow someone to have something, such as a right or an opportunity -- dar

  • 6 to allow someone or something a particular amount of time -- dar

  • 7 to pay someone a particular amount of money for something -- dar

  • 8 to perform or speak in public -- dar

  • 9 to put sth in sb’s hand or near sb -- dar

  • 10 to provide sb with sth they can keep or use -- dar

    • to give presents dar regalos

    • The doctor gave the child some medicine. El doctor le dio al niño alguna medicina.

    • She gave us something to eat. Ella nos dio algo de comer.

    • to give sb help proporcionar ayudar a alguien

  • 11 to provide sth to help sb -- dar

    • to give money/food to charity dar dinero/comida a la caridad

    • Aid agencies want the governments to give more often. Lor organismos de ayuda quieren que los gobiernos contribuyan más a menudo.

  • 12 to cause to happen or exist -- aportar

    • The sunlight gave the landscape a golden glow. La luz del sol le dió al paisaje un brillo dorado.

    • Helping the kids gave me a good feeling. Ayudar a los niños me aporta una buena sensación.

  • 13 to allow to have or do -- dar

    • The teacher gave us a week to write the paper. El profesor nos dio una semana para escribir el artículo.

    • to give permission to do sth dar permiso para hacer algo

  • 14 to say or communicate -- dar

    • Please give your father our love. Por favor, dale a tu padre nuestro amor.

    • The teacher’s book gives the answers. El libro del profesor proporciona las respuestas.

    • to give a speech/talk dar un discurso/una charla

  • 15 used before some nouns of action to say that the action is done -- dar

    • to give sb a hug/kiss dar un abrazo/beso a alguien

    • Give me a call later. Llámame después.

    • I gave it a try. Yo le di una oportunidad.

    • I’ll give it some thought. Lo pensaré un poco.

  • 16 to pay money to have -- dar

    • I’ll give you $20 for the T-shirt. Te daré 20 dólares por la camiseta.

  • 17 to infect with an illness -- pegar

    • I gave him the flu. Le pegué la gripe.

  • 18 (of a teacher) to say a piece of work has earned a particular grade -- poner

    • Ms. Greenwood gave him a B in science. La Sra. Greenwood le puso una B en ciencia.

  • 19 to stretch or be flexible -- dar de sí

    • The leather will give a little as you wear it. El cuero dará de sí un poco a medida que lo uses.

  • 20 indicates an amount or number could be slightly lower or higher -- más o menos

    • It will take about an hour, give or take. Tardará aproximadamente una hora, más o menos.

  • 21 the ability to stretch or be flexible -- elasticidad [ feminine ]

    • The structure must have some give in it. La estructura debe tener algo de flexibilidad.

  • 22 the ability to compromise -- toma y daca

    • A good relationship involves some give and take. Una buena relación implica algo de toma y daca.

Más definiciones de give

Ejemplos de give

  • I would like to give you a few examples to illustrate these contradictions.

  • Give them the hope that will allow them to stand on their own two feet again.

  • They are giving priority access to their own company; they put obstacles in place which could stifle competition.

  • This is not about ticking a list and automatically giving a fail if five minuses appear on that list.

  • If we put in place this tax to raise money, what message will it give to banks?

  • This gives phenomenal flexibility for individuals and firms in the planning of working time.

  • He has not been given any information, which explains why he has made this request now.

  • But please do not give me the type of platonic responses you have just given.

Más ejemplos de give

Traducciones de give en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    提供, 送給, 贈與…

  • 中文简体

    提供, 送给, 赠与…

  • Português

    dar, passar, fazer…

  • 日本語

    (人)に(物)をあげる, 与える, (人)に(物)を手渡す…

  • Türk dili

    vermek, sunmak, (hak…

  • Français

    donner, offrir, procurer…

  • Catalan

    donar, fer…

  • العربية

    يُعْطي, يَمْنَح, يُخْبِر…

Más traducciones de give