crack Significado & definición

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Significado de crack en español

  • 0 to break something so that thin lines appear on its surface, or to become broken in this way -- rajar(se), agrietar(se)

  • 1 to make a sudden, short noise -- hacer un chasquido, crujir

  • 2 a line on the surface of something that is damaged -- grieta

    • Several cups had cracks in them.

  • 3 a narrow space between two parts of something or between two things -- rendija

  • 4 a sudden, short noise -- crujido, estallido

  • 5 to break without separating into pieces -- rajarse

    • The mirror had cracked. El espejo se había rajado.

    • He dropped the vase and cracked it. Soltó el jarrón y lo quebró.

  • 6 to break into pieces -- romper

    • She cracked the eggs into a pan. Ella rompió los huevos en una sartén.

  • 7 to hit part of your body hard against sth -- golpear

  • 8 to lose control because of stress -- desmoronarse

    • employees cracking under the pressure empleados desmoronándose bajo la presión

  • 9 (of sb’s voice) to suddenly change in a way they cannot control -- quebrarse

  • 10 to solve a difficult problem -- resolver

    • Crack the enemy’s code. Resuelve el código del enemigo.

  • 11 to tell sb a joke -- bromear

    • Watch him cracking jokes with the kids. Míralo haciendo bromas con los niños.

  • 12 not as good as people say it is -- no ser lo que parece

  • 13 a line where sth is breaking -- grieta [ feminine ]

    • a crack in the mug una grieta en la taza

  • 14 a narrow opening between things -- grieta [ feminine ]

    • I pushed it through a crack in the floor boards. Lo empujé a través de una grieta en las tablas del suelo.

    • open the door/window a crack abrir la puerta/ventana un poco

  • 15 a weakness in a system, organization, or relationship -- grieta [ feminine ]

  • 16 an unkind joke or comment -- comentario [ masculine ]

    • He made some crack about my family. Él hizo algún comentario sobre mi familia.

  • 17 a type of pure cocaine -- crack [ masculine ]

    • young kids on crack niños pequeños en crack

  • 18 very early in the morning -- al romper el alba

    • He gets up at the crack of dawn every day. Se levanta al romper el alba todos los días.

  • 19 to try to do -- intento

    • Let’s take a crack at fixing this thing. Vamos a intentar arreglar esto.

Más definiciones de crack

Traducciones de crack en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    破裂, (使)破裂, (使)裂開…

  • 中文简体

    破裂, (使)破裂, (使)裂开…

  • Português

    rachar, estalar, rachadura…

  • 日本語

    (物)が割れる, (物)を割る, 鋭い音を立てる…

  • Türk dili

    çatla(t)mak, yar(ıl)mak, kabuğunu kırmak…

  • Français

    (se) fêler, casser, cogner…

  • Catalan

    esquerdar-se, esclafir, espetegar…

  • العربية

    يَتَشَقَّق, يَتَصَدَّع, يُطَقْطِق…

Más traducciones de crack