that Signification, définition

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Signification de that en français

  • 0 indicates sb or sth which is farther away than others -- ce (before a consonant) / cet (before a vowel) … (là) [ masculine ]

    • Do you like this one or that one? Préfères-tu celui-ci ou celui-là ?

    • Those are nice. Ceux-là sont jolis.

    • Who’s that girl? Qui est cette fille ?

  • 1 indicates sb or sth which has already been mentioned -- ce (before a consonant) / cet (before a vowel) [ masculine ]

    • At that moment, there was a loud bang. A cet instant, il y eut une forte détonation.

    • I never sent that card. Je n’ai jamais envoyé cette carte.

  • 2 indicates sb or sth which is farther away than others -- cela / ça

    • That’s a beautiful car. C’est une voiture magnifique.

    • I liked the big one better than those. Je préfère le grand à ceux-là.

    • Who’s that, over there? Qui est-ce, là-bas ?

  • 3 indicates sth which has already been mentioned -- celui/celle-là [ masculine-feminine ]

    • Try again. That’s better. Essaie à nouveau. Celui-là est mieux.

    • The first Indiana Jones – now that was a good movie. Le premier Indiana Jones ; celui-là était un bon film.

  • 4 used to give extra information about a noun or pronoun -- qui

    • the dog that bit me le chien qui m’a mordu

    • the vacation that we took together les vacances que nous avons prises ensemble

  • 5 indicates sb is doing sth well or correctly -- c’est ça

    • That’s it – now push with the other foot. C’est ça ; maintenant pousse avec ton autre pied.

    • Just two more paragraphs to write, and that’s it. Plus que deux paragraphes à rédiger et ça y est.

    • That’s it! I’m leaving. Ça suffit ! Je m’en vais.

    • That’s it! I know what’s wrong. C’est bien ça ! Je sais ce qui ne va pas.

    • Are you embarrassed? Is that it? Est-ce que tu es embarrassé ? C’est ça ?

  • 6 indicates you refuse to do or say more -- un point c’est tout

    • You will not go out tonight, and that’s that. Tu ne sortiras pas ce soir, un point c’est tout.

  • 7 used to add information or description after some verbs, adjectives, and nouns -- que

    • The police believe that she has been kidnapped. Les policiers pensent qu’elle a été enlevée.

    • It seems strange that he didn’t call. Ça paraît bizarre qu’il n’ait pas appelé.

    • That’s the TV that Dad wanted to buy. C’est la télévision que Papa voulait acheter.

  • 8 emphasizes adjectives -- si

    • I didn’t know he was that tall. Je ne savais pas qu’il était si grand.

    • people who are that unlucky les gens qui sont tellement malchanceux / qui ont tellement peu de chance

    • He’s not all that good-looking. Il n’est vraiment pas si bien physiquement.

  • 9 used to show sb with your hands how big sth is -- comme ça

    • It was about that long and that wide. Il faisait à peu près ça de long et ça de large.

  • 10 used to indicate a person, thing etc spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc -- ce/cet/cette, ces (là)

  • 11 used to indicate a thing etc, or (in plural or with the verb be) person or people, spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc -- ce, cela, ça, celui/celle, ceux/celles (-là)

  • 12 used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned in a preceding clause in order to distinguish it from others -- qui, que

    • Where is the parcel that arrived this morning?

    • Who is the man (that) you were talking to?

  • 13 (often omitted) used to report what has been said etc or to introduce other clauses giving facts, reasons, results etc -- que

  • 14 used to introduce expressions of sorrow, wishes etc -- dire que, si seulement

    • That I should be accused of murder!

    • Oh, that I were with her now!

  • 15 so; to such an extent -- (aus)si

Plus de définitions de that

Traductions de that dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    那, 那個, 那人…

  • 中文简体

    那, 那个, 那人…

  • Español

    ese, aque, eso…

  • Português

    aquele, aquela, isso…

  • 日本語

    (目にしている物/人、前述の物/人を指し)あの~, (遠くの物を指し)あの~, (目にしている物/人、前述の物/人を指し)あれ…

  • Türk dili

    şu, o, oradaki…

  • Catalan

    aquell, -a, allò…

  • العربية

    ذَلِكَ, ذاك, لِذلِك…

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