
Il s'agit du definitions du mot lié au as. Cliquez sur n'importe quel mot pour accéder à la page de détail de son mot. Ou, allez à la définition de as.

Signification de as En anglais

  • 0 indicates a comparison

    • She’s not as pretty as her friend. Elle n’est pas aussi jolie que son amie.

    • I don’t read as much as I used to. Je ne lis plus autant qu’auparavant.

    • Are there as many people as last time? Y a-t-il autant de gens que la dernière fois ?

    • Take as long as you need to finish it. Prends tout ton temps pour le terminer.

  • 1 indicates to whom or what you are referring

  • 2 seeming to show

    • She behaved as though nothing had happened. Elle se conduisait comme si de rien n’était.

    • He looks as if he’s going to throw up. On dirait qu’il va vomir.

  • 3 indicates the current situation

    • I’m finding the work difficult as it is. Dans l’état actuel des choses, je trouve ce travail difficile.

  • 4 about a particular subject

    • uncertain as to whether or not to leave incertain quant au fait de partir ou non

  • 5 indicates the purpose or characteristics

    • We can use the stool as a table. Nous pouvons utiliser le tabouret comme table.

    • As a leader, he was greatly respected. En tant que dirigeant, il était très respecté.

  • 6 indicates that sb or sth looks like another person or thing

    • I dressed up as Batman for Halloween. Je me suis déguisé en Batman pour Halloween.

  • 7 while

    • As a child, she was bullied. Enfant, elle fut maltraitée.

  • 8 while

    • We watched as she fell. Nous rl’avons regardée tomber.

  • 9 refers to a known fact

    • As you know, Phil has health problems. Comme tu le sais, Phil a des problèmes de santé.

    • As we had agreed, he went first. Comme nous l’avions convenu, il est parti le premier.

  • 10 in the way that

    • It looked the same as it always did. C’était comme ça l’avait toujours été.

    • Do exactly as I tell you. Fais exactement comme je te dis.

  • 11 indicates the reason for sth

    • As it was early, the stores were still closed. Comme il était tôt, les magasins étaient encore fermés.

  • 12 when; while

  • 13 because

  • 14 in the same way that

  • 15 used to introduce a statement of what the speaker knows or believes to be the case

  • 16 though

  • 17 used to refer to something which has already been stated and apply it to another person

    • Dave will be there, as will Alan and Mick.

  • 18 used in comparisons, eg the first as in the following example

  • 19 used in comparisons, eg the second as in the following example

  • 20 like

  • 21 with certain verbs eg regard, treat, describe, accept

  • 22 in the position of

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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