strain Significado & definición

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Significado de strain en español

  • 0 the feeling of being worried and nervous about something -- tensión

    • The strain of the divorce was too much for her.

  • 1 pressure put on something by a bad situation or by too much weight or force -- tensión

  • 2 to try hard to do something, usually to see or hear something -- esforzarse al máximo

  • 3 to hurt part of your body by using it too much -- lesionar

  • 4 stress or problems caused by too much work or worry -- estrés [ masculine, singular ]

    • the strain of working two jobs to feed her family el estrés de tener dos trabajos para alimentar a su familia

    • soldiers under strain soldados bajo presión

    • High demand puts a strain on the electricity supply. La alta demanda supone una carga para el suministro de electricidad.

  • 5 a painful muscle that has been pulled or twisted -- esguince [ masculine, singular ]

    • a shoulder strain un esguince en el hombro

  • 6 physical stress or injury -- presión [ feminine, singular ]

    • the strain on your eyes from staring at a computer el cansancio en tus ojos de mirar el ordenador

  • 7 in science, a type of sth -- cepa [ feminine, singular ]

    • A new strain of the fungus is affecting crops. Una nueva cepa del hongo está afectando a los cultivos.

  • 8 to twist or pull a muscle -- hacerse un esguince

  • 9 to make sb or sth have stress or problems -- tensar

    • My father’s illness strained relationships within the family. La enfermedad de mi padre tensó las relaciones entre la familia.

    • expensive medical bills that strain the finances facturas médicas costosas que tensan las finanzas

  • 10 to use a lot of physical effort to do sth -- esforzarse

    • He strained to reach the rope as it slid away. Se esforzó por alcanzar la cuerda mientras se deslizaba.

  • 11 to separate the solid pieces from a liquid -- separar

    • Strain the lumps from the sauce. Separar los trocitos de la salsa.

Más definiciones de strain

Ejemplos de strain

  • Vaccination is not a 100% guarantee and there are many different strains, each requiring a different vaccination.

  • We are facing an extremely virulent strain and the environmental conditions lead us to fear the worst.

  • Vaccination is only effective against the targeted strain and for a limited period only.

  • It is creaking under the strain of the mass movement of 21 million migrants a year.

  • This disease puts a great strain on both the sufferer and his or her family, also financially.

  • Obesity places a great strain on the bone structure with all the negative consequences that entails.

  • That is a good thing, but it also puts a bigger strain on health services.

  • Such a country would not put any strain on the eurozone.

Más ejemplos de strain

Traducciones de strain en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    壓力, 拉力,張力, 作用力…

  • 中文简体

    压力, 拉力,张力, 作用力…

  • Português

    tensão, peso, esforço…

  • 日本語

    不安, 緊張, 重圧…

  • Türk dili

    gerginlik, gerilme, stres…

  • Français

    tension [feminine], pression [feminine], surmenage [masculine]…

  • Catalan

    tensió, esforçar-se al màxim, lesionar…

  • العربية

    ضَغْط عَصَبي, تَوتّر, يَبْذُل جَهْدًا…

Más traducciones de strain