
  • 0 used to show that there is a single one or very few of something, or that there are no others -- 唯一的,僅有的

    • Rita was the only person to complain. 只有麗塔一人抱怨。

    • It was the only thing I could do under the circumstances. 在這種情況下,這是我唯一能夠做的。

    • The only thing that matters is that the baby is healthy. 唯一要緊的是嬰兒身體健康。

    • Is this really the only way to do it? 這真的是做這件事唯一的方法嗎?

    • I was the only person on the train. 我是火車上唯一的乘客。

  • 1 used to show that something is limited to not more than, or is not anything other than, the people, things, amount, or activity stated -- 只,僅,才

    • It's only natural that you should worry about your children. 你擔心自己的孩子,這是很自然的事情。

    • "Who's there?" "It's only me (= it is not someone you should worry about). I've locked myself out." 「誰在那裡?」「是我而已。我把自己關在外面了。」

    • It's only four o'clock and it's already getting dark. 才4點,天就開始黑了。

    • She spoke to me only a few minutes ago on the phone. 她就在幾分鐘前和我通過電話。

    • I only arrived half an hour ago. 我半小時前才到的。

    • I was only trying to help. 我只不過想幫忙。

    • I was only joking. 我不過是在開玩笑。

    • Don't worry - it's only a scratch. 別擔心——只是擦破點皮而已。

    • These shoes only cost $50. 這鞋只要50美元。

    • Only an idiot would do that. 只有白癡才會做那樣的事。

    • This club is for members only. 這家俱樂部只對會員開放。

    • Only Sue and Mark bothered to turn up for the meeting. 只有蘇和馬克當回事,出席了這次會議。

    • At present these televisions are only available in Japan. 目前這種電視機只有在日本才能買到。

  • 2 used to refer to something that happens almost immediately after something else -- 剛剛,才

    • We got there in time for our flight, but only just (= but we almost did not). 我們及時趕上了飛機,差一點就錯過了。

    • There was only just enough food to go round. 食物剛剛夠每人一份。

    • We'd only just set off when the car broke down. 我們才剛剛出發,車就拋錨了。

    • People were leaving and I'd only just arrived. 人們都要離開了,而我才剛剛到。

  • 3 used to say that two related things are true or happened, especially when this is surprising or shocking -- 不但…而且

    • You only have to look at her face to see that she's not well. 你只要看看她的臉色,就知道她不舒服。

    • If you want any help, you have only to ask. 如果你需要任何幫助,儘管開口。

    • If this project fails, it will affect not only our department, but also the whole organization. 如果這個企劃案失敗,不僅會影響到我們部門,還會影響整個機構。

    • Not only did he turn up late, he also forgot his books. 他不但遲到,還忘了帶書。

  • 4 used when saying that something unpleasant will happen as a result of an action or a failure to act -- (表示由於某個行動或未能採取行動而導致不好的事情發生)只,只會

    • If you don't do something about it now it will only get worse. 如果你現在不做點事的話,事情只會變得更糟。

  • 5 used to show that you feel sorry about something that cannot happen when explaining why it cannot happen -- (表示遺憾)只能

    • I only wish that they would keep in touch more regularly. 我希望他們能保持更密切的聯繫。

    • I only hope you know what you're doing. 我只是希望你知道自己在做什麼。

    • I'd love to go to Australia. I only wish I could afford to. 我很想去澳大利亞。我只是希望自己能負擔得起就好了。



  • Major alterations to the text will be accepted only at the author's expense.

  • Every one has, not only two, but millions of parents.

  • This is not the only possible definition of dimension.

  • Only taxa that constitute > 2 % of the assemblage are shown.

  • This only happens in the regime k 0.

  • Thus, the only acceptable solution is the forced solution itself.

  • All the subfractions were found to contain only illite.

  • This idea is attractive in the abstract only.








