
  • 0 the house, apartment, etc. where you live, especially with your family -- 家,住宅

    • He spent his early years in a home. 他的幼年時期在孤兒院度過。

    • a children's home/an old people's home/a dogs' home 孤兒院/養老院/流狼狗收容所

    • children from a broken home (= from a family in which the parents had separated) 來自破碎家庭的孩子

    • We had a happy home. 我們有一個幸福的家庭。

    • luxury/starter homes 豪華住宅/作為過渡而買的第一間小房子

    • UK More and more couples are setting up home together without getting married. 越來越多伴侶不結婚就組成家庭。

    • He left home (= stopped living with his parents) when he was 23. 他23歲時離家獨立生活。

    • women who decide to stay at home and look after their children 決定留在家裡帶孩子的婦女

    • Call me at home after four o'clock. 四點之後打家裡的電話找我。

    • He was living on the streets for three months, and his home was a cardboard box. 他在大街上住了三個月,他的家就是一個厚紙箱。

    • The senator has two homes - an apartment in Washington and a house in Colorado. 這位參議員有兩個家——一個是位於華盛頓的公寓,另一個是科羅拉多的家。

  • 1 someone's or something's place of origin, or the place where a person feels they belong -- 出生地,發源地,故鄉

    • I was actually born in New Zealand, but I've lived in Hong Kong for so long that it feels like home now. 我實際上在紐西蘭出生,但在香港住了這麼久,現在感覺就像故鄉一樣。

    • I live in London, but my home (= where I was born) is in Greece. 我住在倫敦,但在希臘出生。

  • 2 your own country or your own area -- 本國;故鄉

    • UK I wonder what they're doing back at home. 我納悶他們在國內在做甚麼。

    • At home we call this "lardy cake". 在我們國家,這叫做豬油餅。

    • She loves France, but she misses home. 她愛法國,但是她想念自己的國家。

  • 3 at or to your house or the place where you live -- 在家;回家,到家

    • US Back home we call this jelly. 在家鄉我們把這叫做果凍。

    • mainly US I wonder what they're doing back home. 我納悶他們在國內在做甚麼。

    • We pray all our troops will come home safely. 我們祈禱我們的軍隊都能平安回國。

    • mainly US women who decide to stay home and care for their children 決定留在家裡帶孩子的婦女

    • I hope you made it home safely last night? 我希望你昨晚回家時一路安全?

    • When you get home late you don't feel like cooking. 當你回家晚時,就不想還要煮飯了。

    • I'll bring everyone home after the party. 晚會結束後我會把所有人都帶回家。

    • I took home a couple of books to read. 我帶一些書回家閱讀。

    • Josh was tired so we took him home. 喬西疲倦了,所我我們把他帶回了家。

    • He came home as the dawn was breaking. 他破曉時回到家。

    • She decided to give up and go home. 她決定放棄,回家了。

    • mainly US The kids were home alone. 孩子們獨自在家。

    • US I'm sorry, he's not home right now. 對不起他現在不在家。

    • Don't worry, I'll be home soon. 別擔心,我很快就回家了。

  • 4 relating to the house, flat, etc. where someone lives -- 家裡的,居家的

  • 5 connected with or done in your own country -- 本國的



  • Older infants may be more likely to have moved around to different foster homes and thus to have suffered more disruptions than younger infants.

  • The philosophy of these homes is characterized by a very strong emphasis on training the staff.

  • Large private providers may therefore deliver relatively high quality care, but this tends to be standardised across all their homes.

  • These limiting factors do not emerge in the accompanying scenario, which presents an unhurried and relatively straightforward assessment of a man living at home.

  • Other studies indicate that the quality of home and work roles intersect in important ways to predict well-being.

  • The mediastinal drain is removed on the morning after surgery and the patient is discharged home on the third day.

  • The data were collected at home parties, lunchtime breaks, and other private venues.

  • The government has been reducing home-help services and experimenting with privatisation.








