
  • 0 easy to understand, hear, read, or see -- 明白的;清楚的;易懂的;清晰的

    • I will not tolerate this behaviour any longer. Do I make myself clear? 我不會再容忍這樣的行為了。我的話你明白嗎?

    • Our new television has a very clear picture. 我們的新電視影像十分清晰。

    • Can we make the sound any clearer? 我們能把聲音再調清晰一點嗎?

    • clear instructions/directions 清楚易懂的說明/指示

  • 1 certain, having no doubt, or obvious -- 確定的;無可置疑的;明白無誤的;明顯的

  • 2 pure or easy to see through, with no marks or areas that are less transparent -- 晴朗的;純淨的;透明的;清澈的

    • I have clear memories of visiting my grandfather's farm as a child. 我清楚記得小時候去爺爺的農場時的情景。

    • the clear sound of the flute 清亮的笛聲

    • You can see the mountains from here on a clear day. 天氣晴朗的時候,從這裡可以看到層層山巒。

    • The weather is expected to remain clear for the next few days. 預計今後幾天天氣會持續晴朗。

    • She has a beautifully clear skin/complexion (= with no marks or spots). 她膚色光潔美麗。

    • We could see hundreds of stars in the clear desert sky. 沙漠上明朗的天空中可以看到數以百計的星星。

    • The water in the lake is so clear that you can see the bottom. 湖水清澈見底。

    • clear glass 透明的玻璃

  • 3 not covered or blocked by anything -- 無遮蓋的;無阻礙的;暢通的

    • We've got two clear (= whole) weeks in which to finish the decorating. 我們有整整兩週時間來完成裝修。

    • The only time I have clear next week is Tuesday afternoon. 下星期我只有週二下午有空。

    • I always like to leave my desk clear (= with no work on it) at the end of the day. 每天工作結束時,我總是喜歡把桌面收拾得乾乾淨淨。

    • The journey was quite quick because the road was clear (= there was not much traffic on it). 因為交通順暢,所以路上走得很快。

    • We have a clear view of the ocean from our hotel window. 從飯店的視窗我們可以一覽無遺地看到大海。

  • 4 without being or feeling guilty -- 無罪的,清白的

  • 5 free from confusion; able to think quickly and well -- 頭腦清醒的;思維清晰的;思維敏捷的

    • Marie is good at making decisions because she's a very clear thinker. 瑪麗擅長作決斷,因為她思維清晰。



  • However, the rebellions were limited in scope and character : when the smoke and dust finally cleared, it was evident that democracy had not been weakened.

  • Nematodes were cleared with lactophenol for morphological identification; no electrophoretic diagnosis was attempted.

  • However, for many readers, this "category-free" presentation may be clearer, and indeed, may encourage them to investigate the general tools provided by the semantic approach.

  • Nematodes were collected, fixed, and cleared for examination with lactophenol.

  • A clearer distinction needs to be drawn between upper (information exchange) and lower (information collection) ontologies.

  • The total rate of potentially infectious contacts is given by the last column, relative to the rate, m, of clearing carriage.

  • All its leaders were cleared of all charges.

  • Only then can the field be cleared for a more substantial reassessment of the political and religious history of the reign.








