end Signification, définition

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Signification de end en français

  • 0 the part of sth furthest from the middle -- bout [ masculine ]

    • the end of the stick l’extrémité du bâton

    • He stood at the far end of the path. Il se tenait debout à l’autre bout du chemin.

  • 1 the last part of sth -- fin [ feminine ]

    • It was a great party, but I had to leave before the end. C’était une fête géniale mais j’ai dû partir avant la fin.

    • at the end of the week à la fin de la semaine

    • to finish by the end of the month finir pour la fin du mois

    • the very end of the King’s reign l’extrême fin du règne de ce roi

    • Our marriage had come to an end. Notre mariage touchait à sa fin.

    • He brought the meeting to an end. Il mit fin à la réunion.

  • 2 [ usually plural ] a purpose or aim -- fin [ feminine ]

    • political ends des fins politiques

    • a man who will use everyone for his own ends un homme capable d’exploiter tout le monde pour parvenir à ses propres fins

  • 3 sb’s death -- la mort

    • She fought bravely until the end. Elle a bravement combattu jusqu’à la mort.

  • 4 emphasizes what is true or important -- en fin de compte

    • At the end of the day, only one person can win. En fin de compte, une seule personne peut gagner.

  • 5 too tired or annoyed to deal with sth anymore -- au bout du rouleau

    • I’m at the end of my rope. Je suis au bout du rouleau.

  • 6 the time sb or sth must stop because it can no longer succeed -- le bout du chemin

    • Is this the end of the road for the failing talk show? Est-ce la fin de l’histoire pour ce talk-show en perte de vitesse ?

  • 7 without stopping for days/weeks etc. -- d’affilée

    • The arguments continued for days on end. Les discussions ont continué pendant plusieurs jours d’affilée.

  • 8 finally -- finalement

    • In the end we decided not to go to the restaurant. Finalement, nous avons décidé de ne pas aller au restaurant.

  • 9 indicates you do not think sth is serious -- ça n’est pas la fin du monde

    • It’s not the end of the world if we can’t get tickets. Ça n’est pas la fin du monde si nous ne pouvons pas avoir de billets.

  • 10 to afford your living expenses -- joindre les deux bouts

    • families finding it difficult to make ends meet les familles qui ont du mal à joindre les deux bouts

  • 11 to stop -- (s’)arrêter

  • 12 the last or farthest part of the length of something -- bout, extrémité, dernier

    • the house at the end of the road

    • both ends of the room

    • Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another)

    • (also adjective) We live in the end house.

  • 13 the finish or conclusion -- fin, conclusion, bout

  • 14 death -- mort

  • 15 an aim -- but

    • What end do you have in view?

  • 16 a small piece left over -- bout

  • 17 to bring or come to an end -- finir

Plus de définitions de end

Exemples de end

  • It is important that we have a question and debate with a resolution at the end of it.

  • In the end a protocol of understanding was drawn up, an agreement which has produced results.

  • We have come to the end of the road where the proposals relating to the second type of product are concerned.

  • In the end, however, the consumer must also play his part.

  • There is some light at the end of the tunnel, but we must not underestimate the problems.

  • They were sitting at the end of the hall and in the middle of the hall was a chair.

  • Generously, periods of compensatory rest at the end of 72 hours’ work are guaranteed.

  • We convinced ourselves that this was the end of history, that we were facing a new dawn.

Plus Exemples de end

Traductions de end dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    終點, 末端,盡頭, 最後部分,末尾…

  • 中文简体

    最后的点, 末端,尽头, 最后部分,末尾…

  • Español

    final, fin, extremo…

  • Português

    fim, final, extremo…

  • 日本語

    終わり, 端, (存在、状態の)終わり…

  • Türk dili

    son, nihayet, bitiş…

  • Catalan

    final, fi, extrem…

  • العربية

    نِهاية, خاتِمة, يُنْهي…

Plus Traductions de end dans d'autres langues



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