end Significado & definición

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Significado de end en español

  • 0 the final part of something -- final, fin

    • I’ll pay you at the end of next month.

  • 1 the furthest part -- final, extremo

  • 2 after a long time or series of events -- al final

  • 3 a situation in which something stops happening or existing -- fin

  • 4 to make something stop -- poner fin a algo

  • 5 to finish -- terminar

  • 6 to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need -- llegar a fin de mes

  • 7 If something is not the end of the world, it will not cause very serious problems. -- no se acaba el mundo

    • It won’t be the end of the world if I don’t get the job.

  • 8 to stop, or to make something stop -- terminar

  • 9 the part of sth furthest from the middle -- final [ masculine ]

    • the end of the stick el final del palo

    • He stood at the far end of the path. Se quedó en el otro extremo del camino.

  • 10 the last part of sth -- final [ masculine ]

    • It was a great party, but I had to leave before the end. Era una fiesta genial, pero tuve que irme antes del final.

    • at the end of the week al final de la semana

    • to finish by the end of the month terminar antes del fin de mes

    • the very end of the King’s reign el final del reinado del rey

    • Our marriage had come to an end. Nuestro matrimonio había finalizado.

    • He brought the meeting to an end. Puso fin a la reunión.

  • 11 a purpose or aim -- propósito [ masculine ]

    • political ends fines políticos

    • a man who will use everyone for his own ends un hombre que usaría a todos para sus propios fines

  • 12 sb’s death -- el final

    • She fought bravely until the end. Luchó valientemente hasta el final.

  • 13 emphasizes what is true or important -- al fin y al cabo

    • At the end of the day, only one person can win. Al fin y al cabo, solo una persona puede ganar.

  • 14 too tired or annoyed to deal with sth anymore -- colmar el vaso

    • I’m at the end of my rope. He llegado al límite de mi paciencia.

  • 15 the time sb or sth must stop because it can no longer succeed -- el final

    • Is this the end of the road for the failing talk show? ¿Es este el final para el fallido programa de entrevistas?

  • 16 without stopping for days/weeks etc. -- durante

    • The arguments continued for days on end. Los argumentos continuaron durante días y días.

  • 17 finally -- al final

    • In the end we decided not to go to the restaurant. Al final decidimos no ir al restaurante.

  • 18 indicates you do not think sth is serious -- no es el fin del mundo

    • It’s not the end of the world if we can’t get tickets. No se acaba el mundo si no podemos conseguir entradas.

  • 19 to afford your living expenses -- llegar a fin de mes

    • families finding it difficult to make ends meet familias que tienen dificultades para llegar a fin de mes

  • 20 to stop -- acabar con

Más definiciones de end

Ejemplos de end

  • It looked at ports through the wrong end of the telescope.

  • Growth means an increase in take-home pay at the end of the month.

  • In the end, dialogue will be the answer to this very difficult, provocative situation.

  • I see the family as having a very real relevance both at the beginning and end of life.

  • It is a shame that in the end, an agreement has not been possible.

  • It means ending unfair state aids.

  • We hope to be able to finalise this review before the end of the year.

  • This can lead to the poverty continuing, so that they also end up poor in old age.

Más ejemplos de end

Traducciones de end en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    終點, 末端,盡頭, 最後部分,末尾…

  • 中文简体

    最后的点, 末端,尽头, 最后部分,末尾…

  • Português

    fim, final, extremo…

  • 日本語

    終わり, 端, (存在、状態の)終わり…

  • Türk dili

    son, nihayet, bitiş…

  • Français

    bout [masculine], extrémité [feminine], fin [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    final, fi, extrem…

  • العربية

    نِهاية, خاتِمة, يُنْهي…

Más traducciones de end