imagine Significado & definición

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Significado de imagine en español

  • 0 to make an idea or picture of something in your mind -- imaginar(se)

  • 1 to have an idea of what something is like or might be like -- imaginar(se)

  • 2 to think that you hear or see something that does not really exist -- imaginar

    • ‘Did you hear a noise?’ ‘No, you’re imagining things.’

  • 3 to believe that something is probably true -- suponer

  • 4 to think of or picture sth in your mind -- imaginar

    • Close your eyes and imagine the most beautiful beach in the world. Cierra los ojos e imagina la playa más bonita del mundo.

    • I can’t imagine what he’d do if she left him. No me puedo imaginar lo que él haría si ella lo dejara.

    • She imagined him asking her to marry him. Ella se lo imaginó pidiéndole que se casara con él.

  • 5 to suppose sth is true -- suponer

    • I imagine he’s already bought himself one of those new phones. Me imagino que ya se habrá comprado uno de esos teléfonos nuevos.

  • 6 to believe sth is happening when it is not -- imaginar

    • “Did you hear that?” “No, you must be imagining things!” “¿Has oído eso?” “No, ¡debes estar imaginándote cosas!”

  • 7 indicates disapproval or surprise -- imaginar

    • Imagine leaving kids alone in the house for all that time. Imagina dejar a los niños solos en la casa durante todo ese tiempo.

Más definiciones de imagine

Ejemplos de imagine

  • I imagine that you take note of this statement.

  • I imagine there is no problem with this.

  • It can readily be imagined what a threat it would be to patients if new legislation meant that the supply of these products were to be halved.

  • I imagine nobody is pleased at this.

  • Can you imagine it, in a single room?

  • You cannot begin to imagine what we saw.

  • Can you imagine that a black female wheelchair user can feel discriminated against?

  • You can, therefore, imagine how vitally important good air and sea connections are, not only for our economy, but also for personal travel.

Más ejemplos de imagine

Traducciones de imagine en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    想像, 設想, 猜想,猜測…

  • 中文简体

    想象, 设想, 猜想,猜测…

  • Português


  • 日本語

    ~を思い描く, (~だと)を想像してみる, ~を思い違いする…

  • Türk dili

    hayal etmek, tasavvur etmek, düşünmek…

  • Français

    imaginer, supposer, (s’)imaginer…

  • Catalan

    imaginar(-se), imaginar, imaginar-se…

  • العربية

    يَتَصَوَّر, يَتَخَيَّل, يَظُنّ…

Más traducciones de imagine