hell Significado & definición

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Significado de hell en español

  • 0 the place where some people think bad people go when they die -- infierno

  • 1 an experience that is very bad -- infierno

    • It’s been hell working with him.

  • 2 used to emphasize something in a rude or angry way -- demonios

    • What the hell are you doing here?

  • 3 used to say that someone or something is very bad -- infernal

  • 4 short form of he will -- forma abreviada de “he will”

  • 5 in some religions, a place where bad people are punished after they die -- infierno [ masculine ]

    • people who are punished in Hell personas que son castigadas en el infierno

  • 6 a very difficult and unpleasant situation -- infierno [ masculine ]

    • The trip home was hell. El viaje a casa fue un infierno.

  • 7 a situation becomes uncontrolled -- desatarse el infierno

    • There was a huge “boom” and then all hell broke loose. Hubo un gran “boom” y luego el infierno se desató.

  • 8 without a good reason -- por puro gusto

  • 9 sb or sth of the worst kind you can imagine -- del infierno

    • She was the neighbor from hell. Ella era la vecina del infierno.

  • 10 to angrily criticize -- echar la bronca

    • Her boss gave her hell for that. Su jefe le echó la bronca por eso.

  • 11 used to tell sb angrily to stop bothering you -- vete al infierno

  • 12 emphasizes how strong, fast, intense, etc. sth is -- como loco

    • The rash itched like hell. La erupción picaba como un demonio.

  • 13 emphasizes how good or impressive sth is -- tremendo/da

    • He was one hell of a teacher. Fue un maestro tremendo.

Más definiciones de hell

Traducciones de hell en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    悲慘的境況, 苦難的經歷, 地獄…

  • 中文简体

    悲惨的境况, 苦难的经历, 地狱…

  • Português

    inferno, forma abreviada de “he will”…

  • 日本語

    地獄, ひどい経験, 生き地獄…

  • Français

    enfer [masculine], enfer…

  • Catalan

    infern, forma abreujada de “he will”…

  • العربية

    جَهَنَّم, جَحيم, تَجْرِبَة مَريرَة…

  • Čeština


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