bite Significado & definición

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Significado de bite en español

  • 0 to cut something using your teeth -- morder

    • She bit into an apple.

    • He was bitten by a dog.

  • 1 to speak to someone in a quick, angry way, for no good reason -- echar la bronca a alguien

    • I only asked if I could help – there’s no need to bite my head off!

  • 2 to try to do something that is too difficult for you -- intentar abarcar demasiado

  • 3 you do not need to be frightened of a particular person or thing -- no te va a comer

    • Just go and ask her – she won’t bite.

  • 4 a piece taken from food when you bite it -- mordisco

    • She took a bite from her pizza.

  • 5 an injury caused when an animal or insect bites you -- picadura

  • 6 to cut with your teeth -- morder

    • to bite into an apple morder una manzana

    • cats scratching and biting each other gatos arañándose y mordiéndose

    • He bit off a piece of the bread. Él mordió un pedazo de pan.

  • 7 (of insects) to draw blood leaving a raised spot on the skin -- picar

    • Mosquitoes were biting us. Los mosquitos nos estaban picando.

    • Do spiders bite? ¿Las arañas pican?

  • 8 to decide to do sth difficult -- morder el polvo

  • 9 to suddenly and angrily criticize -- ponerse bravo

    • I asked her, and she bit my head off. Le pregunté, y ella me echó la bronca.

  • 10 a mouthful of food -- bocado [ masculine ]

    • He spit out his food after one bite. Escupió su comida después de un bocado.

    • a bite-sized piece una pedazo del tamaño de un bocado

    • Ben took a huge bite out of the sandwich. Ben le dio un gran mordisco al bocadillo.

  • 11 a mark where an animal or an insect bites you -- mordida [ feminine ]

    • a mosquito bite una picadura de mosquito

  • 12 a small meal -- comer algo

    • We went out for a bite to eat. Salimos a comer algo.

    • I usually grab a bite on my way home from work. Por lo general, como algo de camino a casa desde el trabajo.

Más definiciones de bite

Traducciones de bite en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    咬, (用牙)咬, (魚)上鈎,吞餌…

  • 中文简体

    咬, (用牙)咬, (鱼)上钩,吞饵…

  • Português

    morder, mordida, dentada…

  • 日本語

    (~に)かみつく, ~をかむ, かじる…

  • Türk dili

    ısırmak, etkisini göstermeye başlamak, kötü etkisi ortaya çıkmak…

  • Français

    mordre, piquer, bouchée [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    mossegar, mossegada, queixalada…

  • العربية

    يَعَضّ, قَضْمة, عَضّة…

Más traducciones de bite