build Significado & definición

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Significado de build en español

  • 0 to make something by putting materials and parts together -- construir

    • He built his own house.

  • 1 the size and shape of a person’s body -- constitución

  • 2 to make a building or a structure -- construir

    • to build a house/an extension construir una casa / una extensión

    • to build a bridge/tower construir un puente / torre

    • a house built entirely of/from recycled materials una casa hecha totalmente de/a partir de materiales reciclados.

  • 3 to gradually increase -- aumentar

    • Stress levels had been building for months. Los niveles de estrés se habían ido acumulando durante meses.

    • to build stocks of raw materials acumular existencias de materias primas

  • 4 to create over a long period -- desarrollar

    • to build a business/relationship desarrollar un negocio / una relación

Más definiciones de build

Ejemplos de build

  • That has been built against staggering odds, if you look back to the starting point of 50 years ago.

  • The 50th anniversary represents an opportunity for us all to build up strength for the challenges that lie ahead.

  • After all, we cannot expect a car that was built 20 years ago to satisfy today's requirements.

  • And this is where the scandal lies, because the political system which is being built is not subject to any democratic caution.

  • This is crucial because, although targets set at summits raise hopes, it is only tangible results that build confidence.

  • It is illegal to build settlements on the occupied territories and demolish houses.

  • The house that we are building for our citizens should be able to withstand an earthquake.

  • It has been like building a block of flats starting with the roof instead of the foundations.

Más ejemplos de build

Traducciones de build en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    建造,修建, 建立, 發展…

  • 中文简体

    建造,修建, 建立, 发展…

  • Português

    construir, edificar, erigir…

  • 日本語

    ~を建てる, 建築する, 体格…

  • Türk dili

    inşa etmek, yapmak, kurmak…

  • Français

    construire, bâtir, (s’)accumuler…

  • Catalan

    construir, complexió…

  • العربية

    يَبْني, يُشَيِّد, قوام…

Más traducciones de build