raw Significado & definición

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Significado de raw en español

  • 0 not cooked -- crudo

  • 1 in the natural state and not changed -- puro

  • 2 (of food) not cooked -- crudo/da [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • raw meat/fish/vegetables carne/pescado/verduras cruda/do/das

    • The steak was practically raw. El filete estaba prácticamente crudo.

  • 3 (of information) not having been organized or calculated -- bruto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • the raw data from the study los datos en bruto del estudio

  • 4 (of a substance) in a natural state -- sin refinar

    • raw sugar/milk/cotton azúcar/leche/algodón sin refinar

  • 5 (of a quality) powerful and uncontrolled or untrained -- bruto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • the raw power of her voice el poder bruto de su voz

    • the raw emotions portrayed in the film las emociones brutas retratadas en la película

  • 6 (of skin or a body part) red and painful -- en carne viva

    • Their faces looked raw from the cold. Sus rostros parecían estar en carne viva por el frío.

  • 7 not having any experience -- novato/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • raw army recruits reclutas del ejército novatos

  • 8 (of weather) very cold and damp -- cortante [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a raw winter’s day un cortante día de invierno

Más definiciones de raw

Ejemplos de raw

  • Firstly, it is based on equality and the rule of law, rather than on raw power.

  • I chose to vote in favour, since the change means that the reform of the raw tobacco market, which has already begun, can continue.

  • The definition does not expressly state that the rules in actual fact apply to all establishments that cut and otherwise deal with raw meat.

  • That is not exactly the same in the case of oil, other energies or raw materials of all kinds.

Más ejemplos de raw

Traducciones de raw en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    未烹調的, (食物)生的,未經烹調的,沒煮的, 未經加工的…

  • 中文简体

    未烹调的, (食物)生的,未经烹调的,没煮的, 未经加工的…

  • Português

    cru, bruto…

  • 日本語

    生(なま)の, 調理していない, 未加工の…

  • Türk dili

    çiğ, pişmemiş, ham…

  • Français

    cru/crue, brut/brute, non traité/-ée…

  • Catalan

    cru, pur…

  • العربية

    نَيّء, خام…

Más traducciones de raw