
  • 0 used to say that people or things are in a place together or are doing something together -- 和…一起;和;跟隨;同

    • He's been with the department (= working in it) since 2010. 他從2010年就開始在這個部門工作了。

    • She's staying with her parents (= at their house) for a few months. 她要在父母的家裡住幾個月。

    • I'll be with you (= I will give you my attention) in a second. 我馬上就過來。

    • Mix the butter with the sugar and then add the egg. 把奶油和糖攪在一起,然後加雞蛋。

    • Ice cream with your apple pie? 蘋果派要不要配上霜淇淋?

    • I left my books with Sandra. 我把書交給了桑德拉。

    • Ingrid Bergman starred with Humphrey Bogart in the movie "Casablanca". 英格麗‧褒曼同漢弗萊‧博加特聯袂主演了電影《北非諜影》。

    • I'm going to France with a couple of friends. 我要和幾位朋友一起去法國。

    • He's impossible to work with. 沒法和他一起工作。

    • He lives with his grandmother. 他和奶奶一起生活。

    • I was with Sylvia at the time. 那時我和西爾維婭在一起。

  • 1 using something -- 用,使用;以;借

  • 2 having or including something -- 擁有,有

    • With your contribution, that makes a total of £45. 算上你的捐款,一共是45英鎊。

    • With love, Roberta. 愛你的羅伯塔。

    • With best wishes from Charles. 致以美好的祝願,查爾斯。

    • Both their children graduated with degrees in economics. 他們的兩個孩子獲得的都是經濟學學位。

    • With a bit of luck, we should be back in time for dinner. 要是運氣好的話,我們還可以及時趕回來吃晚飯。

    • I was second in the race with a time of 14.2 seconds. 我在賽跑中得了第二名,成績是14.2秒。

    • He woke up with a terrible headache. 他醒來後頭痛欲裂。

    • He arrived in Los Angeles with nothing but the clothes he was wearing. 他到了洛杉磯,除了衣服之外一無所有。

    • Two coffees please, one with milk and one without. 請來兩杯咖啡,一杯加奶,一杯不加。

    • We're an international company with offices in Paris, New York, and Sydney. 我們是一家跨國公司,在巴黎、紐約和雪梨都有辦事處。

    • He spoke with a soft Irish accent. 他說話時帶有輕柔的愛爾蘭口音。

    • They were divided into two groups, with no girls in one group and no boys in the other. 他們被分成了兩組,一組沒有女孩,一組沒有男孩。

    • He's married with three children. 他結了婚,並有三個孩子。

    • a tall woman with dark hair 高個黑髮女子

  • 3 relating to or in the case of a person or thing -- 關於;對於;至於;對…來說

    • She talked a lot about her relationship with Charlotte. 她說了很多有關自己與夏洛特之間的戀情。

    • He's very careless with his money. 在金錢方面,他很不小心。

    • The government's policies have not been popular with (= among) the voters. 政府的政策並不受選民歡迎。

    • This hasn't got anything to do with you (= this is not something you should be interested in). 這與你毫不相干。

    • Russia has just drawn up a trade agreement with Norway. 俄羅斯剛剛與挪威草擬了一份貿易合約。

    • How are things with you? 你過得怎麼樣?

  • 4 used to show what is on or in something -- 在…上;在…中

  • 5 because of or caused by someone or something -- 因為;作為…的結果










