
  • 0 When a bird, insect, or aircraft flies, it moves through the air. -- (鳥、昆蟲或飛機)飛,飛行

    • I learned to fly when I was in Australia. 我在澳大利亞時學會了開飛機。

    • We will be flying 100 badly wounded civilians out of the battle zone tonight. 今晚我們將空運100名受重傷的平民離開戰區。

    • The restaurant flies its fish in daily from Scotland. 這間餐廳每天從蘇格蘭空運魚。

    • I usually fly Lufthansa/Japan Airlines/El Al. 我通常搭乘漢莎航空公司/日本航空公司/以色列航空公司的航班。

    • Who was the first person to fly (across) the Atlantic? 誰是飛越大西洋的第一人?

    • She has to fly thousands of miles every year for her job. 她每年因為工作要飛行上千英里。

    • We are flying at a height of 36,000 feet. 我們正在36000呎的高空飛行。

    • We fly from/out from/out of La Guardia, but fly back (in)to JKF. 我們從拉瓜迪亞機場起飛,但返航時在約翰.F.甘迺迪機場降落。

    • We flew to Paris. 我們乘飛機去巴黎。

    • As soon as it saw us, the bird flew away/off. 鳥一看到我們就飛走了。

    • The poor bird couldn't fly because it had a broken wing. 這隻可憐的鳥飛不起來了,因為它的翅膀斷了。

  • 1 to move or go quickly -- 快速移動;疾行

    • UK informal Anyway, I must fly (= leave quickly) - I didn't realize how late it was! 無論如何,我必須走了——我都沒意識到有多晚了!

    • The door/window suddenly flew open. 門/窗戶猛地打開了。

    • My holiday seems to have flown (by) (= passed very quickly) this year. 今年我的假期好像飛一般地就過去了。

    • Cathy flew by/past me in the corridor. 在走廊裡,凱茜從我身邊飛奔而過。

    • With the explosion, glass flew across the room. 隨著一聲爆炸,房間內玻璃碎片四處橫飛。

  • 2 to wave or move about in the air while being fixed at one end -- 揮舞;飄揚;放飛

  • 3 If rumours, accusations, etc. fly, they are passed quickly from one person to another and cause excitement. -- (謠言、指責等)被興奮地傳播,瘋傳

    • Rumors are flying that the school may close. 謠言瘋傳,說學校可能要關門了。

  • 4 a small insect with two wings -- 蠅;蒼蠅

  • 5 the opening at the front of a pair of trousers -- (褲子的)前襠開口,拉鎖蓋,扭扣蓋

    • Hey Chris, your fly's undone! 嗨,克裡斯,你褲子拉鏈開著呢!



  • With the definitions given in the previous section, consider a population where the initial generation consists of one female tsetse fly.

  • My experience with regard to the favoured haunts of these flies is almost precisely the same as that of other investigators.

  • In such cases, decision makers can reevaluate options on the fly, allowing them to quickly determine how these choices affect various solutions.

  • We also predicted wing development of flies should correlate inversely with roost duration, restricting flightless forms to bats in permanent roosts.

  • Their response to visual traps alone also was significantly lower than that of mature flies, about half the percentage.

  • The level of infestation varied with location ranging from 3.0 to 97.2 flies per kg of fruit.

  • The pai palote is something that flies in the sky, and you use it typically at the beach.

  • In the experimental cross a total of 3 red-eyed flies were observed among virtually the same total number of progeny as in the control cross.








