
  • En [ wɪl]
  • Us [ wɪl]


  • 0 used to talk about what is going to happen in the future, especially things that you are certain about or things that are planned -- 將,將要

  • 1 used to talk about what someone or something is able or willing to do -- 能;願意

    • I'll give you a lift. 我用車順便送你一下。

    • Ask Gabriela if she'll take them. 問問加芙列拉是否會帶上他們。

    • I've asked her but she won't come. 我問過她了,可她不願來。

    • The car won't start. 汽車發動不了。

    • This lasagne will feed six people. 這些義大利千層麵夠六個人吃。

  • 2 used to ask someone to do something -- (用於要求別人做某事)

    • Will you give me her address? 你能不能給我她的地址?

    • Will you give that to Tony when you see him, please? 你能不能在見到托尼的時候,把這個轉交給他?

    • Will you join us for a cup of coffee, Evie? 要不要來喝一杯,埃薇?

    • Will you come in for a while? 進來一會兒好嗎?

    • You'll have some cake, won't you, Charlie? 你要吃些蛋糕的,是不是,查理?

  • 3 used in conditional sentences with 'if' -- (用於以 if 開頭的條件句中)

    • If he's late again, I'll be very angry. 要是他再遲到的話,我會很生氣。

    • I'll wait with Christopher if his mother isn't here when you go. 你走的時候,如果克裡斯多福的媽媽還不來的話,我就陪他一起等。

  • 4 used to refer to what is likely -- 可能,大概

    • That'll be Scott at the door. 敲門的可能是斯科特。

    • That'll be his mother with him. 可能是他媽媽和他在一起。

    • As you all will know, election day is next week. 你們可能都知道了,選舉定在下星期。

  • 5 used when angry to tell someone to do something -- (表示生氣地命令某人)

    • Will you stop being such a pain! 你能不能別那麼討厭!

    • You'll go upstairs and you'll go straight to bed like your father told you! 你應該聽你爸爸的話,上樓睡覺去。

  • 6 used when referring to something that always or usually happens -- 總是;一直

    • Accidents will happen. 事故總是會發生的。

    • Fruit will keep longer in the fridge. 水果放在冰箱裡保存的時間會更長。

    • The product with the better-known brand name will always sell better. 名牌商品的銷量總會好一些。

    • She's 85 now, but she will insist on doing all her own housework. 她已經85歲了,但她還是一直堅持自己做家務。

  • 7 the mental power used to control and direct your thoughts and actions, or a determination to do something, despite any difficulties or opposition -- 意志;毅力;決心

  • 8 an official statement of what a person has decided should be done with their money and property after their death -- 遺囑

    • Have you made a will yet? 你立遺囑了嗎?

    • She left me some money in her will. 她在遺囑中留給我一些錢。

  • 9 If you will something to happen, you try to make it happen by the power of your thoughts. -- 設法用意志力驅使;決意

    • She willed herself to remember his name. 她努力記住他的名字。

    • Stay or go, as you will. 留還是走,隨你自己選。

  • 10 to arrange to give money or property to others after your death -- 遺贈





  • 中文简体

    将来, 将,将要, 能/愿意…

  • Español

    se usa para hablar del futuro de forma certera, se usa para expresar lo que alguien quiere o puede hacer, se usa para pedir a alguien que haga algo…

  • Português

    usado para falar sobre o que vai acontecer no futuro, usado para falar sobre o que alguém ou algo está disposto a fazer ou é capaz de fazer, usado para pedir algo a alguém…

  • 日本語

    (文法)未来を示す助動詞, ~(する)つもりだ, (疑問文で)~してくれませんか…

  • Türk dili

    ...acek/ecak, ...er/acak/ecek, ...mısınız/misiniz…

  • Français

    verbe au futur de l’indicatif, aller + verbe à l’infinitif, vouloir.…

  • Catalan

    s’utilitza per a parlar del futur amb certesa, s’utilitza per a expressar el que algú vol o pot fer, s’utilitza per a demanar a algú que faci alguna cosa…

  • العربية

    سَوْف, يُريد, هَلْ؟…








