
These are word's examples related to drink. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于drink的信息


  • I like to have a hot drink at bedtime.

  • In hot weather, shops do a brisk trade in cold drinks and ice creams.

  • I don't let the children have sweet fizzy drinks.

  • I think apple juice is your favourite drink, isn't it?

  • The table tipped and all our drinks fell on the floor.

  • "I've bought you a drink." "Cheers, mate."

  • We can't get a drink! It's after (pub) closing time.

  • I won't have another drink, thanks. I need to have a clear head for my meeting in the morning.

  • We could go for a drink after work tomorrow, if you like.

  • He has some information I want, so I'm going to try to coax it out of him over a drink.

  • If I drink too much coffee, I can't sleep.

  • You'll dehydrate very quickly in this heat, if you don't drink lots of water.

  • It's strange how drinking a lot of water can often make you feel thirsty.

  • She drank two whole glassfuls of orange juice.

  • I love milk - I drink gallons of the stuff.

  • It's a classic case of the bored-housewife syndrome - she's got nothing to do all day except drink and go shopping.

  • I'm a social drinker - I only drink when I'm with other people.

  • You look a bit rough - how much did you have to drink last night?

  • He drank himself to death.

  • He drank, womanized and wasted money.

  • Their only pleasures are drink and tobacco, the former being subjected to temperance campaigns to remove even this form of recreation from the workers' lives.

  • I used to advise them not to drink too much alcohol, and they kept telling me that they only drank a very small quantity.

  • By bringing around food and drink he demonstrates that he is an open person and personally approachable by everybody.

  • In some cases, the drink itself may be referred to as kakaw.

  • Alcoholic drink imports rose immediately after emancipation, when the missionaries enjoyed their greatest prestige and influence.

  • What one wore to dinner, where one sat and with whom, and what one ate and drank all served as indexes of class.

  • Sevastian explains why they were not able to come earlier, and as soon as the parents drink the soda, the marriage is arranged.

  • Similarly, he eats and drinks at the restaurant because of desires generated by internal mechanisms of hunger and thirst.

  • The lessons are rather clear: the more people drink and smoke, the shorter they live!

  • Illness in the community was associated with the consumption of foods in restaurants or drinking unpasteurized milk.

  • Only one patient, a young female who drank heavily and binged, described trying to reduce her alcohol consumption.

  • When the level of refillables would fall below the quota, mandatory deposits on drink containers had to be introduced.

  • The journalist criticized the pilot of the travelers who was drinking too much.

  • The journalist criticized the pilot of the traveler who was drinking too much.

  • Lovers were drunk with emotion, crowds acted in a drunken frenzy, and drink freed the tongue to talk.









