
These are word's definitions related to old. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于old的信息


  • 0 having lived or existed for many years

    • an old man 老人

    • We're all getting older. 我們都老了。

    • I was shocked by how old he looked. 他看上去那麼老,令我很震驚。

    • Now come on, you're old enough to tie your own shoelaces, Carlos. 好,來吧,卡洛斯,你那麼大了,該自己繫鞋帶了。

    • I'm too old to be out in the clubs every night. 我年紀不小了,不能每晚都在夜總會裡胡混。

    • a beautiful old farm house in the country 鄉下一間漂亮的古老農舍

    • a battered old car 殘破的舊汽車

    • That's an old joke - I've heard it about a thousand times. 那是個老掉牙的笑話——我聽過不知多少次了。

    • I think this cheese is old, judging by the smell of it. 從氣味上判斷,我覺得這塊起司放得有點久了。

    • Don't you think that book is too old for you? 你不覺得這本書是給年齡大一些的人看的,對你來說不合適嗎?

  • 1 used to describe or ask about someone's age

    • How old is your father? 你父親多大年紀了?

    • Rosie's six years old now. 羅茜現在6歲了。

    • It's not very dignified behaviour for a 54-year-old man. 對於一個54歲的人來說,這種行為太有失體面了。

    • He's a couple of years older than me. 他比我大幾歲。

  • 2 from a period in the past

    • I saw my old English teacher last time I went home. 上次我回家時見到了我從前的英語老師。

    • He bought me a new phone to replace my old one. 他給我買了一個新電話取代了那個舊的。

    • She showed me her old school. 她領我參觀了她的母校。

    • I saw an old boyfriend of mine. 我看見了我的一個前男友。

    • In my old job I had less responsibility. 我以前的那份工作職責沒有這麼多。

  • 3 a language when it was in an early stage in its development

  • 4 (especially of a friend) known for a long time

    • She's one of my oldest friends - we met in kindergarten. 她是我的老朋友之一——我們上幼稚園時就認識。

    • There's old Sara working away in the corner. 老莎拉在一角埋頭工作。

    • I hear poor old Frank's lost his job. 我聽說可憐的老法蘭克失業了。

  • 5 old people considered together as a group








