pull Signification, définition

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Signification de pull en français

  • 0 to use force to try to move sth toward you -- tirer

    • They were pulling the garbage cans out to the street. Ils tiraient les poubelles dans la rue.

    • His mother pulled him to her. Sa mère le tira à elle.

    • I pulled on the dog’s leash. Je tirai sur la laisse du chien.

  • 1 to use force to remove -- arracher

    • He pulled the plug out of the wall. Il arracha la prise du mur.

  • 2 to move sth along behind you -- tracter

  • 3 to move sth down or across sth -- tirer

    • Pull the curtains shut. Tire les rideaux.

    • She pulled a sweater over her head. Elle enleva un pull par sa tête.

  • 4 to move your body quickly or with effort -- s’extraire

    • I pulled myself up out of the chair. Je me suis extrait de la chaise.

    • She tried to comfort him, but he pulled away. Elle essaya de le consoler mais il s’arracha à son étreinte.

  • 5 to injure a muscle by stretching or twisting -- se déchirer

    • He pulled a muscle in his leg. Il s’est déchiré un muscle de la jambe.

  • 6 to move part of a device to make it work -- appuyer sur

    • to pull the trigger on a gun appuyer sur la détente d’un pistolet

    • Pull the lever to make it spin. Appuyez sur la manette pour la faire tourner.

  • 7 to take out a weapon -- braquer

    • Suddenly he pulled a gun on us. Soudain il braqua un pistolet sur nous.

  • 8 to tease sb -- taquiner

  • 9 to do with as much energy or as many resources as possible -- remuer ciel et terre

    • They’re pulling out all the stops and having a huge wedding. Ils remuent ciel et terre et font un grand mariage.

  • 10 to cancel, usually by taking money away -- laisser tomber

  • 11 to take away support or help when sb needs it -- couper l’herbe sous le pied de qqn

    • The board refused to back the CEO, pulling the rug out from under him. Le conseil a refusé de soutenir le directeur général, lui coupant l’herbe sous le pied.

  • 12 to obtain using your power or influence -- user de son influence

    • His dad pulled some strings and got him into Harvard. Son père a usé de son influence pour l’envoyer à Harvard.

  • 13 to deceive by hiding the truth -- duper qqn

    • I made a mistake, but I never tried to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes. J’ai fait une erreur mais je n’ai jamais essayé de duper qui que ce soit.

  • 14 the act of pulling sth toward you -- traction [ feminine ]

    • a quick pull on the rope une traction rapide sur la corde

  • 15 [ singular ] a strong natural force that pulls things -- (force [ feminine, feminine ] d’)attraction

    • the pull of gravity la force d’attraction de la pesanteur

  • 16 [ singular ] a strong attraction or influence on people -- attrait [ masculine ]

    • the pull of Broadway for young performers l’attrait de Broadway pour les jeunes artistes

  • 17 to (try to) move something especially towards oneself usually by using force -- (re)tirer (sur)

  • 18 (with ator on) in eg smoking, to suck at -- tirer sur

  • 19 to row -- ramer

    • He pulled towards the shore.

  • 20 (of a driver or vehicle) to steer or move in a certain direction -- entrer dans

  • 21 an act of pulling -- traction

  • 22 a pulling or attracting force -- attraction

  • 23 influence -- influence

Plus de définitions de pull

Traductions de pull dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    移近, 拖,拉,扯, 移開…

  • 中文简体

    移近, 拖,拉,拽, 移开…

  • Español

    arrastrar, tirar de, acercar…

  • Português

    puxar, arrastar…

  • 日本語

    ~を引っ張る, 引く…

  • Türk dili

    çekmek, çekme, çekiş…

  • Catalan


  • العربية


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