natural Signification, définition

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Signification de natural en français

  • 0 existing in nature, not made by humans -- naturel/-elle

    • a drink made from all natural ingredients une boisson entièrement faite avec des ingrédients naturels

    • a natural way to lower blood sugar un moyen naturel de diminuer le sucre dans le sang

    • the beauty of the natural world la beauté du monde naturel

  • 1 normal or reasonable -- naturel/-elle

    • It’s natural to feel sad when a pet dies. Il est normal de se sentir triste lorsqu’un animal de compagnie meurt.

    • It seemed natural that she wanted to be with her brother. Il semblait naturel qu’elle veuille être avec son frère.

  • 2 existing from birth -- naturel/-elle

    • a natural talent for art un talent inné pour l’art

    • his natural leadership qualities ses qualités innées de meneur d’hommes

  • 3 sincere and not seeming false -- naturel/-elle

    • Her smile was natural and sweet. Son sourire était naturel et doux.

  • 4 sb who does not have to try hard to do sth, or is exactly the right type to do sth -- un/une … né/née

    • As a pianisthe’s a natural. C’est un pianiste né.

    • a natural to fill the position l’homme / la femme de la situation

  • 5 of or produced by nature, not made by men -- naturel

    • coal, oil etc and other natural resources.

    • Wild animals are happier in their natural state than in a zoo.

  • 6 born in a person -- naturel, inné

  • 7 (of manner) simple, without pretence -- naturel

  • 8 normal; as one would expect -- naturel, normal

  • 9 (of a musical note) not sharp or flat -- naturel

  • 10 a person who is naturally good at something -- un/une (…) né/-e

    • She’s a natural at tennis.

  • 11 in music (a sign ( ) indicating) a note which is not to be played sharp or flat. -- bécarre, note naturelle

Plus de définitions de natural

Exemples de natural

  • That just shows how fashionable these products have become, which is quite natural, when all is said and done.

  • We are talking about the proposals relating to the security of supply of oil-based products and the supply of natural gas.

  • Secondly, we need to push forward the use of liquefied natural gas.

  • There is nothing natural about these recurring disasters, they are the result of fate.

  • Our quality food products are closely linked to our grass-based natural environment.

  • In the case of plants, reproduction by cloning is a natural process.

  • On a sensitive issue like this, it is only natural that our exchanges have sometimes been a little difficult.

  • The natural family is the space for protection of children, and parents are their first protectors.

Plus Exemples de natural

Traductions de natural dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    非人為的, 天然的,非人為的, 非人造的…

  • 中文简体

    非人为的, 天然的,非人为的, 非人造的…

  • Español

    natural, normal, natural [masculine-feminine…

  • Português


  • 日本語

    天然の, 当然の…

  • Türk dili

    doğal, tabiî, normal…

  • Catalan

    natural, normal…

  • العربية

    طَبيعي, عادي, مُتَوَقَّع…

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