responsible Significado & definición

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Significado de responsible en español

  • 0 having to do something as your duty -- encargado

  • 1 having caused something to happen, especially something bad -- responsable

  • 2 showing good judgment and able to be trusted -- responsable

  • 3 A responsible job is important because you have to make decisions that affect other people. -- de responsabilidad

  • 4 sensible and trustworthy -- responsable [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a responsible dog owner un responsable dueño de un perro

    • Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Los niños deben estar acompañados por un adulto responsable.

    • If we leave you in the house, can we trust you to be responsible? Si te dejamos en la casa, ¿podemos confiar en que serás responsable?

  • 5 deserving blame -- responsable [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • Who’s responsible for our failing schools? ¿Quién es responsable de nuestros colegios deficientes?

    • I feel responsible, even though I did nothing wrong. Me siento responsable, aunque no hice nada malo.

    • I refuse to be held responsible for something I didn’t do. Me niego a hacerme responsable de algo que no hice.

  • 6 in charge of -- responsable

    • Each leader will be responsible for five children. Cada líder será responsable de cinco niños.

    • Who is responsible for ordering the food? ¿Quién es responsable de pedir la comida?

Más definiciones de responsible

Ejemplos de responsible

  • It is very important to improve cooperation with the authorities responsible for combating organized crime and to keep a constant watch on developments.

  • If the latter solution is chosen, the developing country which will be responsible for supplying the generic medicines in question will, by necessity, benefit from doing so.

  • These phenomena cannot be properly addressed by the leaders of capital, the very people responsible for creating them.

  • They are responsible, because it is they who hold power.

  • We can only support sustainable and responsible fishing.

  • You might ask who is responsible for this.

  • It is a responsible step and a step towards hope.

  • This is the wrong signal, since road traffic is primarily responsible for emissions from the transport sector.

Más ejemplos de responsible

Traducciones de responsible en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    責任, 責怪, 好的判斷力…

  • 中文简体

    责任, 责怪, 好的判断力…

  • Português

    responsável, de responsabilidade…

  • 日本語

    責任がある, 義務を負った, (~の)原因となる…

  • Türk dili

    güvenilir, sorumluluk duygusu taşıyan, sorumluluk gerektiren…

  • Français

    responsable, à responsabilités, responsable de…

  • Catalan

    encarregat, responsable, de responsabilitat…

  • العربية

    مَسْؤول, مَسؤول…

Más traducciones de responsible