blame Significado & definición

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Significado de blame en español

  • 0 to say or think that someone or something has done something bad -- culpar a alguien de algo

    • She still blames him for Tony’s accident.

  • 1 to be responsible for something bad that has happened -- tener la culpa (de algo)

  • 2 to consider someone or something responsible for something bad -- echar la culpa (de algo) a alguien/algo

  • 3 to be the person that everyone thinks has done something bad -- llevarse las culpas

  • 4 to believe or say sb is responsible for sth bad -- culpar

    • He does something wrong and blames it on his little sister. Él hace algo mal y culpa a su hermana pequeña.

    • Don’t blame me for your problems. No me culpes por tus problemas.

  • 5 to be responsible for sth bad -- tener la culpa de

    • Who’s to blame for this? ¿Quién tiene la culpa de esto?

  • 6 implies you think sb is doing sth unwise -- no me culpes

    • Try, but don’t blame me if it turns out wrong. Inténtalo, pero no me culpes si sale mal.

  • 7 implies you think sb is right to do sth -- No te/le/lo/la culpo, etc.

    • I don’t blame you – I’d be mad too. No te culpo – yo también estaría enfadado.

  • 8 responsibility for sth wrong or bad -- culpa [ feminine ]

    • The police got the blame for the incident. La policía tuvo la culpa del incidente.

    • She took the blame for her son. Ella asumió la culpa por su hijo.

    • Put the blame on someone else. Echarle la culpa a otra persona.

Más definiciones de blame

Ejemplos de blame

  • The simplest and most obvious response is to blame the right of veto and the fact that decisions must be taken unanimously.

  • Now is not the time to apportion blame or to point fingers.

  • If you have internal problems and do not do your homework, it is too easy to say others are to blame.

  • I am not concerned here with apportioning blame to one side or another, but with finding solutions.

  • The fault lies with the crises in the third world, for which the third world is to blame.

  • Nor do we want witch-hunts or soundbite sensationalism when we are assigning blame.

  • He is not to blame for the fact that it did not succeed; this is probably as far as it was possible to go.

  • It does not help to blame others in this difficult situation; instead we should look ahead.

Más ejemplos de blame

Traducciones de blame en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    責備, 責怪, 歸咎於…

  • 中文简体

    责备, 责怪, 归咎于…

  • Türk dili

    ayıplamak, sorumlu tutmak, suçlamak…

  • Français

    tenir qqn pour responsable de, rejeter la responsabilité sur qqn, faute [feminine]…

  • Čeština

    obviňovat, dávat vinu, vyčítat…

  • Dansk

    beskylde, bebrejde, klandre…

  • Indonesia

    menyalahkan, tanggung jawab…

  • ภาษาไทย

    โทษบางสิ่งที่ทำให้เกิดสิ่งไม่ดี, ตำหนิ, การรับผิดชอบต่อสิ่งไม่ดีที่เกิดขึ้น…

Más traducciones de blame