
  • En [ tuː]
  • Us [ tuː]


  • 0 used before a verb to show that it is in the infinitive -- (用于动词前,表示不定式)

    • She agreed to help. 她答应帮忙。

    • I'll have to tell him. 我得告诉他。

    • Sadly, she didn't live to see her grandchildren. 令人伤心的是,她没有活到孙辈出生的那一天。

    • I need to eat something first. 我首先得吃点东西。

    • I'd love to live in New York. 我想要住在纽约。

    • That child ought to be in bed. 那个孩子应该上床睡觉。

    • "Are you going tonight?" "I'm certainly hoping to." “你今晚要走吗?”“我当然希望走。”

    • He told me to wait. 他叫我等。

    • Did anyone ask Daniel to reserve the room? 有人要丹尼尔订房间了吗?

    • It's not likely to happen. 这事不大可能发生。

    • Three months is too long to wait. 等3个月太久了。

    • She's not strong enough to go hiking up mountains. 她身体不够壮,登不上山。

    • He has this enviable ability to ignore everything that's unpleasant in life. 他有这种令人羡慕的本事,能够不去理睬生活中的种种不快。

    • This will be my second attempt to make flaky pastry. 这将是我第二次尝试制作薄馅饼皮。

    • To go overseas on your own is very brave. 只身去国外,真勇敢。

    • My plan was to get it all arranged before I told anyone. 我的计划是先把一切都安排好再告诉别人。

    • I don't know what to do. 我不知道该怎么办。

    • Can you tell me how to get there? 你能告诉我怎样去那儿吗?

    • I'm going there to see my sister. 我要去那儿看望我的姐姐。

    • This tool is used to make holes in leather. 这个工具是用来在皮革上打眼的。

    • To make this cake, you'll need two eggs, 175 grams of sugar, and 175 grams of flour. 做这个蛋糕,你需要两个鸡蛋、175克糖和175克面粉。

    • He works to get paid, not because he enjoys it. 他工作是为了挣钱,而不是因为喜欢工作。

    • To be honest (= speaking honestly), Becky, I like thegrey shirt better. 说实话,贝姬,我更喜欢那件灰色的衬衫。

    • To tell you the truth, I never really liked the man. 坦率地跟你说,我从未真正地喜欢过这个男人。

    • There's an awful lot of work to be done. 有许许多多的工作要做。

    • Do we have enough paint to be going on with, or should I get some more while I'm out? 继续下去我们的油漆够用吗,我是不是该外出时再买一些?

  • 1 in the direction of -- 朝,向,往,对着

    • We're going to town on the bus, okay? 我们坐公共汽车去城里,好吗?

    • We went to Prague last year. 我们去年去了布拉格。

    • I asked someone the way to the town centre. 我向人问了去市中心的路。

    • You can walk from here to the school in under ten minutes. 你可以从这儿走到学校,用不了10分钟。

    • I asked Kirsten and Kai to dinner (= invited them to come and eat dinner with me) next week. 我邀请了柯尔斯滕和卡伊下星期来吃饭。

    • We received another invitation to a wedding this morning. 今天上午我们又收到了一份参加婚礼的请柬。

    • I had my back to them, so I couldn't see what they were doing. 我背对着他们,所以看不见他们在做什么。

    • She walked over to the window. 她走到窗边来。

    • He went up to a complete stranger and started talking. 他走到一个完全陌生的人跟前,开始和对方交谈起来。

    • UK You've got your sweater on back to front (= with the back of the sweater on the chest). 你的毛衣前后穿反了。

  • 2 used for showing who receives something or who experiences an action -- (表示动作的对象)对,给

    • I lent my bike to my brother. 我把自行车借给了我哥哥。

    • I told that to Alex and he just laughed. 我把那件事告诉了阿历克斯,他笑了。

    • Who's the letter addressed to? 这封信是寄给谁的?

    • Give me that gun./Give that gun to me. 给我那把枪/把那把枪给我。

  • 3 until a particular time, state, or level is reached -- 距;到;至

    • It's only two weeks to Christmas. 离圣诞节只有两星期了。

    • Unemployment has risen to almost eight million. 失业人数已经上升到了差不多800万。

    • He drank himself to death. 他酗酒而死。

    • She nursed me back to health. 她护理我直到康复。

    • It's twenty to six. 差20分到6点。

  • 4 used to suggest an extreme state -- (表示极端的状态)

  • 5 in connection with -- 与…相关

  • 6 used before an infinitive, usually with 'be', to indicate a future action -- (用于不定式前,通常和 be 连用,构成将来时)

  • 7 causing a particular feeling in a particular person -- 令(某人)感到…

    • That's when I found out, to my amazement, that she was coming here. 令我惊讶的是,那时候我得知她正要到这里来。

  • 8 considered by -- 对…而言;在…看来

    • I realize it may sound strange to you. 我意识到对你而言这听上去可能很奇怪。

    • I mean, £50 is nothing to him (= he would not consider it a large amount). 我的意思是,50英镑对他而言算不了什么。

    • informal "I hear you've been going out with Ella." "Yeah, so? What's it to you?" (= It should not interest you, and you have no right to ask about it.) “我听说你在和艾拉谈恋爱。”“哟,这和你有什么关系?”

  • 9 serving -- 为…效力,为…服务

  • 10 against or very near -- 靠着;顶着;非常接近

    • Stand back to back. 背靠背站着。

    • They were dancing cheek to cheek. 他们在跳贴面舞。

  • 11 matching or belonging to -- 与…相配;属于

    • My dad gave me the keys to his car. 爸爸把他的车钥匙给了我。

    • I've lost the trousers to this jacket. 我把和这件夹克相配的裤子弄丢了。

    • She has a mean side to her. 她性格中有刻薄的一面。

    • There is a very moral tone to this book. 这本书很有道德教育的意味。

  • 12 used to show the position of something or someone in comparison with something or someone else -- (表示相对位置)

    • John's standing to the left of Adrian in the photo. 照片中约翰站在阿德里安的左边。

    • The Yorkshire Dales are twenty miles to the north of the city. 约克郡山谷位于这个城市以北20英里处。

  • 13 in honour or memory of -- 为向…表示敬意;为了纪念

  • 14 for each -- 每

    • How many dollars are there to the pound? 1英镑等于多少美元?

    • This car does about 40 miles to the gallon. 这辆车每加仑汽油可行驶大约40英里。

    • When we go swimming together I do six lengths to her twelve. 如果我们一起去游泳,她每游12个来回而我只能游6个。

  • 15 used in phrases that show a range -- (用于短语中,表示范围)

    • There were probably 30 to 35 (= a number between 30 and 35) people there. 那儿可能有30到35个人。

  • 16 at the same time as music or other sound -- 与(音乐或其他声音)同时,伴随

  • 17 relating to a positive reaction or result -- 适合,符合;利于

  • 18 compared with -- 与…相比

    • She's earning a reasonable wage, but nothing to what she could if she was in the private sector. 她的收入还可以,但如果她在私营企业工作收入会高得多。

    • Paul beat me by three games to two (= he won three and I won two). 保罗以3比2打败了我。

    • He was old enough to be her father - she looked about 30 to his 60. 他老得可以当她的爸爸——她看上去约30岁,而他有60岁。

  • 19 into a closed position -- 关着地

    • I'll just push the door to. 我只是要把门推上。





  • 中文繁体

    不定式, (用於動詞前,表示不定式), (用於某些動詞後,尤其是不定式所描述的動作將會隨後發生時)…

  • Español

    se usa delante de un verbo para formar el infinitivo, para, a…

  • Português

    usado com um verbo para formar o infinitivo, para, a…

  • 日本語

    ~することを(動詞と共に用いて不定詞を作る), ~するために(行動の理由を表す), ~へ…

  • Türk dili

    ...mak/mek, ...mak/mek için, ...a/e doğru…

  • Français

    (indique l’infinitif d’un verbe), pour, à…

  • Catalan

    s’utilitza davant d’un verb per a formar l’infinitiu, per, a…

  • العربية

    تُسْتَخْدَم بَعْد الفِعْل لِبَيان المَصْدَر, لِكَي, حَتى…








