
  • 0 to break something so that it does not separate, but very thin lines appear on its surface, or to become broken in this way -- (使)破裂;(使)裂開;(使)産生裂紋

  • 1 to break something open, especially in order to reach or use what is inside -- (尤指爲得到或使用內部的東西而)使破裂,打開,砸開

    • He cracked (open) the nuts with his hands. 他用手將堅果捏開。

    • Crack three eggs into a bowl and mix them together. 往碗裡打三個蛋,並攪拌均勻。

  • 2 to find a solution to a problem -- 解決(問題);破譯

    • UK I've been trying to solve this problem all week, but I still haven't cracked it. 整個星期我一直在試圖解決這個問題,但還是不得要領。

    • They cracked the code and read the secret message. 他們破譯了密碼,讀取了密電。

  • 3 to hit something or someone -- 碰,撞,擊

    • They cracked him over the head with a baseball bat. 他們用棒球棒打了他的頭。

    • I cracked my head on/against the door. 我的頭撞在門上。

  • 4 to make a sudden, short noise, or to cause something to make this noise -- (使)劈啪作響;(使)發出爆裂聲

    • Her voice cracked with emotion as she told the story. 講起這件事時她激動得嗓音都嘶啞了。

    • He's always cracking his knuckles (= pulling the joints of his fingers to make a noise). 他總是把自己的手指關節弄得劈啪作響。

    • The whip cracked over the horses' heads. 鞭子在馬頭上方劈啪抽響。

  • 5 to make a joke or funny remark -- 說俏皮話;開玩笑;說笑話

    • He's always cracking jokes. 他總愛說笑話。



  • If o lightning impacts on an outcrop with abundant cracks and fractures, the strong currents will cause moisture in the cracks to evaporate instantaneously.

  • The gaps are continuous, with three cracks running obliquely through the specimen and converging at a point dorsal to the skull fragment.

  • Typically, these cracks form at a distance of a metre or more from the walls.

  • The formal rules leave visible cracks in the system.

  • One sublot consisted of visually perfect kernels and the other of visually cracked kernels.

  • There are also some cracks to be seen: these represent just artifacts due to desiccation occurring during scanning microscopic investigation.

  • It took the high-risk movement to put the first cracks in the clay feet of traditional psychopathology.

  • The aforementioned internal stress cracks generally have no impact on kernel germination and seedling performance.








