trust Определение на русском языке

  • 0 to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you -- доверять

  • 1 to be sure that someone will do the right thing or what they should do -- быть уверенным, что кто-либо сделает что-либо

  • 2 to allow someone to look after someone or something because you believe they will be careful -- доверять что-либо кому-либо

    • I wouldn't trust him with my car.

  • 3 used to say that it is typical of someone to do something stupid -- как всегда

  • 4 used to say that you hope something is true -- надеюсь

  • 5 the belief that you can trust someone or something -- доверие


Examples of trust

  • Of great significance here is that third parties were not necessarily trusted for their ability to be effective in settling disputes.

  • If sufficient information is obtained and if this information can be trusted, the agent can reliably choose its interaction partners.

  • One values being trusted oneself, merely because one wants to be included in co-operative ventures on terms that are advantageous.

  • A qualitative study of the introduction of nurse practitioners trusted the judgement of nurse practitioners and signed prescriptions without assessing a patient (unless requested to).

  • When ranked according to performance on key variables 118 trusts scored three or less.

  • Third parties were not trusted, in terms of their fairness or competence, and thus they did not necessarily have the ability to settle disputes.

  • Most adolescents also reported that their parents trusted how they handled their schoolwork.

  • Could the 'cheap men ', or unskilled labourers employed by the electric company, be trusted to read the meter ?




May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
