reach значение

  • En [ riːtʃ]
  • Us [ ]

Значение reach в русском языке

  • 0 to arrive somewhere -- доезжать, достигать

    • We won't reach Miami till five or six o'clock.

  • 1 to stretch your arm and hand to touch or take something -- протягивать (руку), тянуться

  • 2 to be able to touch or take something with your hand -- дотягиваться

    • Could you get that book down for me - I can't reach.

  • 3 If something reaches, or reaches something, it is long enough to touch something. -- доходить (до какого-либо места)

  • 4 to get to a particular level, situation, etc -- достигать, доходить

  • 5 to make a decision, agreement, etc about something -- приходить к решению/соглашению/выводу и т. д.

  • 6 to speak to someone on the telephone -- связываться (по телефону)

    • You can reach him at home.

  • 7 too far away for someone to take hold of -- вне досягаемости

  • 8 not possible for someone to have -- недоступный для кого-либо

  • 9 to be close enough to travel to -- быть непо��алеку от чего-либо

    • You'll be within easy reach of London.

  • 10 to be close enough for someone to take hold of -- в пределах досягаемости

Дополнительные определения reach

Примеры reach

  • Through the process of decoding, a critical perspective can be reached on the reality previously perceived as impenetrable.

  • In our entire sample, the frequency of occurrence of -mos reached only about 3.8% on this level.

  • In the event that no agreement n np is reached, production and wages are zero.

  • The probabilistic weight reached by this factor is among the highest of all (0.75).

  • Our evidence in support of this position is that the grammatical person constraint reaches statistical significance for every age group.

  • By the mid to late 1980s, defiance had reached a point where the government had clearly lost control.

  • During the period economic decline reached a level much higher than in the previous twenty years.

  • Call-by-name does no reduction, call-by-value reduces until the argument reaches a weak head normal form, and our closed strategy does additional reduction.

Дополнительные примеры reach

Переводы reach на другие языки

  • 中文繁体

    到達, (尤指經過很長時間或費很大氣力旅行後)到達,抵達, 水準,水準…

  • 中文简体

    到达, (尤指经过很长时间或费很大气力旅行后)到达,抵达, 水平…

  • Español

    llegar a, alargar la mano, extender el brazo…

  • Português

    chegar a, alcançar, atingir…

  • 日本語

    ~に着く, 到着する, (~に腕や手を)伸ばす…

  • Türk dili

    ulaşmak, varmak, erişmek…

  • Français

    atteindre, arriver, tendre le bras…

  • Catalan

    arribar a, allargar la mà, estendre el braç…

Другие переводы reach



May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
