just значение

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  • Us [ ]

Значение just в русском языке

  • 0 only -- просто, всего лишь, только

  • 1 a very short time ago -- только что

    • I've just been on a trip to France.

    • We've only just begun.

  • 2 used to emphasize something you say -- просто, совсем

    • I just can't bear it!

  • 3 almost not -- еле-еле, едва

  • 4 exactly -- точно

  • 5 now or very soon -- как раз, сию минуту

  • 6 a little before/over/under, etc something else -- немного, чуть раньше/больше/меньше и т. д.

    • It costs just over $10.

    • She left just before Michael.

  • 7 almost -- почти

  • 8 to be going to do something very soon -- как раз собираться что-либо сделать

    • I was just about to phone you.

  • 9 equally bad/good/tall, etc -- такой же плохой/хороший/ высокий и т. д. (как кто-либо/что-либо)

  • 10 used to say that there is nothing else someone can do -- мне/вам/нам и т. д. придется что-либо сделать

    • You'll just have to wait.

  • 11 at the same time as -- как раз в тот момент, когда …

    • She woke up just as we got there.

  • 12 used to say that it is lucky that something happened -- пожалуй, хорошо, что …

  • 13 fair or morally right -- справедливый

Дополнительные определения just

Примеры just

  • The floor was just the ground, no verandah.

  • We show the proof for just one case.

  • It's just as things come up you modify them.

  • Contingency plans are then made for these shapes by writing rules that apply to them just in case they occur.

  • We are of the opinion that this is just the main thermodynamic difference between the "cold" ablation and the organic material ablation.

  • The "successful" governess, it seems, manages her pupils into "successful" betrothals - just like the marriage plot novel.

  • It was just such a dialogue that we both had with the interview protocols.

  • Furthermore, the effectiveness of a local campaign is not just a matter of local parties being rich in resources.

Дополнительные примеры just

Переводы just на другие языки

  • 中文繁体

    現在, 此時, 很快…

  • 中文简体

    现在, 此时, 很快…

  • Español

    hace poco tiempo, ya, inmediatamente…

  • Português

    há pouco tempo, agora, já…

  • 日本語

    ちょうど(~したばかり), ちょうど今, ~だけ…

  • Türk dili

    yalnız, sadece, az evvel…

  • Français

    exactement, juste, à l’instant…

  • Catalan

    fa poc temps, ara mateix, immediatament…

Другие переводы just



May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
