wait значение

  • En [ weɪt]
  • Us [ ]

Значение wait в русском языке

  • 0 to stay in a place until someone or something arrives or someone or something is ready for you -- ждать

  • 1 to not do something until something else happens -- ждать, откладывать

    • We'll wait till Jane gets here before we start eating.

  • 2 used to say how excited you are about something that you are going to do -- сгорать от нетерпения

  • 3 to be late so that someone has to wait for you -- заставлять кого-либо ждать

  • 4 to wait to discover what will happen -- подождать и увидеть

    • We'll wait and see what she says.

  • 5 a period when you stay in a place until someone or something arrives or someone or something is ready for you -- ожидание

Дополнительные определения wait

Примеры wait

  • He had waited without moving, standing stock-still on the bank, peering into the water, hoping for another glimpse, a ripple in the water's surface even.

  • The social realm does not remain idle, waiting for the international community to allocate attention and resources.

  • The demand for choice was linked to the critique against the counties for rigid administration, unacceptably long waiting times for certain hospital treatments.

  • An important objective of switching to activity-based payments was to try to shorten waiting lists and improve incentives for facilities to treat more patients.

  • To assist with the organisation of the waiting lists, a database application was written.

  • With such disparity between need and provision, many services have lengthy waiting lists and waiting times.

  • The child was instructed not to press any button while waiting for the cue.

  • There can however be consequences for system latency since this approach requires waiting until after the gesture inputs have been processed to start speech recognition.

Дополнительные примеры wait

Переводы wait на другие языки

  • 中文繁体

    等待,等候, 期盼,盼望, 延後…

  • 中文简体

    等待,等候, 期盼,盼望, 推迟…

  • Español

    esperar, espera, estar esperando…

  • Português

    esperar, aguardar, espera…

  • 日本語

    ~が待つ, 待つこと, 待ち時間…

  • Türk dili

    beklemek, bir şeyin olmasını beklemek, bekleme…

  • Français

    attendre, attente [feminine], (s’)attendre (à)…

  • Catalan

    esperar, espera…

Другие переводы wait



May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
