eye значение

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Значение eye в русском языке

  • 0 one of the two organs in your face, which you use to see with -- глаз

  • 1 the small hole at the end of a needle, which you put the thread through -- ушко (иглы)

  • 2 to be good at noticing a particular type of thing -- разбираться в чем-либо, обладать способностями к чему-либо

  • 3 to watch or look after someone or something -- присматривать за кем-либо/чем-либо

  • 4 to want something and intend to get it -- иметь на примете что-либо

  • 5 to be unable to stop looking at someone or something because they are so attractive or interesting -- не мочь оторвать глаза от кого-либо/чего-либо

    • He couldn't take his eyes off her all night.

  • 6 to see someone or something for the first time -- увидеть кого-либо/что-либо впервые

  • 7 to look at someone in a direct way, without showing fear or shame -- смотреть кому-либо прямо в глаза

    • Look me in the eye and say that you didn't steal it.

  • 8 in someone's opinion -- в чьих-либо глазах, по чьему-либо мнению

  • 9 to look at someone or something with interest -- разглядывать

Дополнительные определения eye

Примеры eye

  • The oboe, on the other hand, offers very little for the eye, though some players attempt to compensate for this with grand gestures.

  • Ordinary image recognition techniques are applied to the video frames to find the eye, the position of eyelids and the centre of the pupil.

  • In a separate session, the orientations of the gratings were reversed so that each eye viewed each orientation in a counterbalanced design.

  • The author suggested that this animal might have recovered normal eye alignment.

  • To reduce the risk of error of measurement due to undetected eye movements, we preferentially sampled cells with receptive field outside the area centralis.

  • Firing patterns of neurons in abducens nucleus and surrounding medulla and their relation to eye movements.

  • It provides a focal point for the viewer, leading the eye and telling it where to rest.

  • If the sight of it and similar hieroglyphics offends your eye, then this is not the book for you.

Дополнительные примеры eye

Переводы eye на другие языки

  • 中文繁体

    身體器官, 眼睛, 植物…

  • 中文简体

    身体器官, 眼睛, 植物…

  • Español

    ojo, mirar, ojo [masculine]…

  • Português

    olho, buraco (da agulha), olhar com interesse…

  • 日本語

    目, 針の穴, ~を(好奇心を持って)見る…

  • Türk dili

    göz, iğne deliği, süzmek…

  • Français

    œil, chas, oeil…

  • Catalan

    ull, mirar…

Другие переводы eye



May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
