even Significato & definizione

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Significato di even in italiano

  • 0 flat, level, or smooth -- piano, uniforme, pari

    • Find an even surface to work on. Trova una superficie pari su cui lavorare.

  • 1 An even race or competition is one in which both teams or people involved have the same chance of winning. -- pari, allo stesso livello

  • 2 used to emphasize something that is surprising -- perfino, addirittura, anche

    • Everyone danced, even Mick. Ballavano tutti, perfino Mick.

  • 3 used to emphasize something that is surprising -- nemmeno

    • I said hello, but he didn’t even look at me. L’ho salutato ma non mi ha nemmeno rivolto lo sguardo.

  • 4 used when comparing things, to emphasize the difference -- anche meglio, anche più veloce, anche più piccolo, ecc.

    • Alex will be even taller than his father. Alex sarà anche più alto di suo padre.

  • 5 used to say that nothing will change if something happens -- anche se

    • Even if you take a taxi, you’ll still miss your train. Anche se prendi un taxi, farai comunque tardi al treno.

  • 6 although -- anche se, nonostante

    • He went to work even though he wasn’t well. È andato al lavoro nonostante non stesse bene.

  • 7 level; the same in height, amount etc -- pari, uniforme

  • 8 smooth -- liscio

    • We’ll have to make the path more even.

  • 9 regular -- regolare

  • 10 divisible by 2 with no remainder -- pari

    • 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc are even numbers.

  • 11 equal (in number, amount etc) -- pari

    • The teams have scored one goal each and so they are even now.

  • 12 calm -- tranquillo

  • 13 to make equal -- pareggiare

  • 14 to make smooth or level. -- livellare

  • 15 used to point out something unexpected in what one is saying -- neanche, nemmeno

  • 16 yet; still -- anche, perfino

    • My boots were dirty, but his were even dirtier.

Altre definizioni di even

Traduzioni di even in altre lingue

  • 中文繁体

    驚奇, (用來表示令人驚訝、不同尋常、出乎意料或極端的事物)甚至,連,即使, 強調…

  • 中文简体

    惊奇, (用来表示令人惊讶、不同寻常、出乎意料或极端的事物)甚至,连,即使, 强调…

  • Español

    uniforme, nivelado, igualado…

  • Português

    uniforme, nivelado, plano…

  • 日本語

    平らな, 互角の, 同等の…

  • Türk dili

    düz, bir hizada, bir düzeyde/seviyede…

  • Français

    encore, même, plan/plane…

  • Catalan

    pla, llis, igualat…

Altre traduzioni di even



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