figure Signification, définition

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Signification de figure en français

  • 0 to think sth is true or will happen -- s’imaginer

    • I figured (that) he was too embarrassed to show up. Je m’imaginais qu’il était trop gêné pour se montrer.

  • 1 indicates you think sth is likely or not surprising -- ça paraît logique

    • “He’s not here.” “Yeah, that figures – he hates these events.” “Il n’est pas là.” “Oui, ça paraît logique ; il déteste ces manifestations.”

  • 2 a calculated number or amount -- chiffre [ masculine ]

    • What are the figures for sales last year? Quels sont les chiffres des ventes de l’année dernière ?

  • 3 a numeral -- chiffre [ masculine ]

    • Write the number in words and figures. Ecrivez le nombre en lettres et en chiffres.

  • 4 a person or type of person -- personne [ feminine ]

    • In the dark she saw a figure coming towards her. Dans l’obscurité, elle vit une personne s’avançant vers elle.

    • important figures in American history les personnages importants de l’histoire américaine

  • 5 sb’s body shape -- silhouette [ feminine ]

    • a youthful figure une silhouette jeune

  • 6 (in math) a shape -- figure [ feminine ]

    • une figure à deux dimensions

  • 7 a diagram showing information -- figure [ feminine ]

    • Refer to figure 3 on page 56. Référez-vous à la figure 3 sur la page 56.

  • 8 a phrase that uses figurative language -- une figure de style

    • To say you feel “like a fish out of water” is a figure of speech. Dire qu’on se sent “comme un poisson hors de l’eau” est une figure de style.

  • 9 the form or shape of a person -- silhouette

    • A mysterious figure came towards me

    • That girl has got a good figure.

  • 10 a (geometrical) shape -- figure

    • The page was covered with a series of triangles, squares and other geometrical figures.

  • 11 a symbol representing a number -- chiffre

  • 12 a diagram or drawing to explain something -- figure

  • 13 to appear (in a story etc) -- figurer

  • 14 to think, estimate or consider -- penser

    • I figured that you would arrive before half past eight.

Plus de définitions de figure

Exemples de figure

  • This is not a figure plucked out of the air: it is an attempt to provide an honest assessment of what our rhetoric actually means.

  • The total figure for what we do in the field of energy also, especially with regard to renewable energy in development cooperation, is much bigger.

  • In some years, the figure was even higher.

  • This is too high a figure for our nation.

  • This figure is already included in a number of regulations.

  • This figure is increasing by 20% per year.

  • In 2001, that figure has risen to 5.4%.

  • This figure cannot be compared with those of other world conflicts.

Plus Exemples de figure

Traductions de figure dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    數字, 體形, 外形,輪廓…

  • 中文简体

    数字, 体形, 外形,轮廓…

  • Español

    cifra, figura, tipo…

  • Português

    número, dígito, forma…

  • 日本語

    数字, 体形, 人影…

  • Türk dili

    sayı, rakam, miktar…

  • Catalan

    xifra, tipus, figura…

  • العربية

    رَمْز, رَقَم, قَوام…

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