
Il s'agit du definitions du mot lié au back. Cliquez sur n'importe quel mot pour accéder à la page de détail de son mot. Ou, allez à la définition de back.

Signification de back En anglais

  • 0 toward the rear or away from

    • to step back from the edge reculer du bord

    • to sit/lie back se rasseoir / recoucher

  • 1 indicates a return to a previous state or position

    • Put it back where it belongs. Remets-le à sa place.

    • She nursed him back to good health. Elle l’a soigné jusqu’à ce qu’il recouvre la santé.

    • When will you be back home? Quand rentres-tu ?

  • 2 in a reply

    • Write back soon. Réponds-moi bientôt.

    • Call me back tomorrow. Appelle-moi demain.

  • 3 in or into the past

    • back in 1964 (à l’époque,) en 1964

    • thinking back to his childhood se rappelant son enfance

  • 4 the part of the body between the neck and buttocks

    • to lie on your back s’allonger / être allongé sur le dos

  • 5 the part away from the front

    • in the back of the room au fond de la pièce

    • on the back of the book au dos du livre

    • This last piece fits in the back. Cette dernière pièce va à l’arrière.

    • a beautiful yard out back un beau jardin à l’arrière de la maison

    • boxes sitting in back of the door des caisses restant derrière la porte

  • 6 to be in a situation that is difficult to get out of

    • We had our backs to the wall early in the negotiations. Nous étions dos au mur depuis le début des négociations.

  • 7 bothering you slightly when you think of it

    • In the back of my mind, I knew something was missing. Je sentais confusément qu’il manquait quelque chose.

  • 8 constantly reminding or criticizing sb

    • My manager is always on my back. J’ai toujours mon patron sur le dos.

  • 9 when sb is not there to hear

    • I know you talk about me when my back is turned. Je sais que vous parlez de moi quand j’ai le dos tourné.

  • 10 away from the front

    • the back pockets of his jeans les poches arrière de son jean

    • in the back row of seats dans le rang du fond

  • 11 from earlier

    • back pay paiement d’arriérés

  • 12 to give support to

    • Many celebrities are backing the project. De nombreuses célébrités ont soutenu le projet.

  • 13 to move backward

    • to back the car out of the driveway sortir de l’allée en marche arrière

    • He backed slowly away from the dog. Il s’éloigna lentement du chien à reculons.

  • 14 to bet money on

    • to back the winning horse parier/miser sur le cheval gagnant

  • 15 in humans, the part of the body from the neck to the bottom of the spine

    • She lay on her back.

  • 16 in animals, the upper part of the body

    • She put the saddle on the horse’s back.

  • 17 that part of anything opposite to or furthest from the front

  • 18 in soccer, hockey etc a player who plays behind the forwards

    • a left/right back.

  • 19 of or at the back

  • 20 to, or at, the place or person from which a person or thing came

  • 21 away (from something); not near (something)

  • 22 towards the back (of something)

  • 23 in return; in response to

  • 24 to, or in, the past

  • 25 to (cause to) move backwards

    • He backed (his car) out of the garage.

  • 26 to help or support

    • Will you back me against the others?

  • 27 to bet or gamble on

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