belief Definición En Español


Examples of belief

  • My own consumption reflects this belief.

  • My general point is that we believe in the right of freedom of religion and belief, whatever that religion or belief might be in that context.

  • Both loan rates and demands for collateral should reduce the moral damage that such a belief could create.

  • It has, to put it bluntly, been developed on the belief that plants, animals and the soil can be treated as dead material.

  • Furthermore, it has been instilled into their beliefs and their way of thinking that this was a normal situation, which makes change difficult.

  • I share this belief, but this cannot justify all the means that were used then.

  • However, just like this belief, which is now almost religious and no longer subject to dispute, it is excessive.

  • It is my firm belief that the experiment has proven its effect beyond any doubt.
