tight Significado & definición

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Significado de tight en español

  • 0 fitting your body very closely -- ajustado

  • 1 firm and difficult to move -- apretado, tirante

  • 2 strongly controlled and obeying all rules completely -- riguroso

  • 3 holding or attaching sth firmly -- ajustado‎/da [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • her tight grip on the handle su firme agarre al mango

    • Tie it, so it is tight. Átalo, para que esté apretado.

  • 4 (of clothes) fitting closely to the body -- ajustado‎/da [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • tight pants pantalones ajustados

    • This skirt is too tight. Esta falda es muy ajustada.

  • 5 stretched as far as possible -- tenso‎/sa [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • Pull the rope tight. Tensé la cuerda.

  • 6 closely controlled -- hermético‎/ica [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • tight security at the airport estricta seguridad en el aeropuerto

    • The country is under his tight control. El país está bajo su estricto control.

  • 7 not having much money or time to spend -- ajustado/da [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a tight budget un presupuesto ajustado

    • a tight schedule un horario ajustado

  • 8 (of a muscle) feeling as if it needs to stretch -- contracturado‎/da [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • My muscles were tight and sore. Mis músculos estaban tensos y doloridos.

  • 9 (of a group) having close relationships -- unidos‎/das [ masculine-feminine, plural ]

    • a tight group/community un grupo unido / una comunidad unida

  • 10 (of a relationship) strong -- firme [ singular ]

    • a tight bond between the brothers un estrecho vínculo entre los hermanos

  • 11 (of a curve in a road) making you turn suddenly -- cerrada [ feminine, singular ]

    • a tight bend una curva cerrada

  • 12 in a way that is difficult to loosen -- apretado‎/da

    • The door was stuck tight. La puerta estaba atascada..

Más definiciones de tight

Traducciones de tight en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    緊的, 密封的(地), 牢固的(地)…

  • 中文简体

    紧的, 密封的(地), 牢固的(地)…

  • Português

    apertado, justo, esticado…

  • 日本語

    (服などが)きつい, (体に)ぴったりした, (結び目・ビンのふたなどが)堅い…

  • Türk dili

    sıkı, dar, sımsıkı…

  • Français

    serré/-ée, ferme, ajusté/-ée…

  • Catalan

    cenyit, fort, tibant…

  • العربية

    ضَيِّق, مُحْكَم, صارِم…

Más traducciones de tight