tie Significado & definición

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Significado de tie en español

  • 0 to fasten something with string, rope, etc. -- atar

  • 1 to make a knot in a piece of string, rope, etc. -- atar

  • 2 a long, thin piece of cloth that a man wears around his neck with a shirt -- corbata

  • 3 to fasten sth by joining two strings, ropes, etc. -- atar

    • Tie your shoes. Ata tus zapatos.

    • They tied the ropes around the crate. Ataron las cuerdas alrededor de la caja.

    • He tied the dog’s leash to the railing. Ató la correa del perro a la barandilla.

    • Tie the two ends together. Até los dos extremos juntos.

  • 4 to make a knot with string, rope, etc. -- hacer un nudo

    • Tie some knots in the string. Haz unos nudos en la cuerda.

    • kids learning how to tie a bow niños aprendiendo a atar un lazo

  • 5 to link or connect two things -- conectar

    • evidence that ties the two men to the murder pruebas que vinculan a los dos hombres al asesinato.

  • 6 to make the score of the game the same for each side -- empatar

    • That shot tied the score. Ese tiro empató el marcador.

    • The score was tied, 2-2. El resultado estaba empatado, 2-2.

    • “Did you win?” “No, we tied.” ¿Ganaste? “No, empatamos”.

  • 7 to limit or restrict -- atar

    • The contract ties me to the company for six years. El contrato me vincula a la empresa por seis años.

  • 8 to get married -- casarse

    • When are they going to tie the knot? ¿Cuándo se van a casar?

  • 9 a long colored piece of cloth, tied under the collar of a man’s shirt -- corbata [ feminine, singular ]

    • a shirt and tie una camisa y corbata

  • 10 a connection or link -- lazo [ masculine, singular ]

    • his ties to the mafia sus lazos con la mafia

  • 11 sth used to fasten things -- cordón [ masculine, singular ]

    • plastic ties for garbage bags cordones de plástico para bolsas de basura

  • 12 a score in a game in which both sides have the same number of points -- empate [ masculine, singular ]

    • It ended in a tie. Terminó en un empate.

Más definiciones de tie

Ejemplos de tie

  • We also need regional security and close ties with the relevant regional players.

  • We have partners in the entire world with whom we are united by strong cultural and economic ties.

  • It is worth keeping in mind that stability is best achieved by establishing a variety of financial, cultural and political ties.

  • I believe that we will achieve better results through constructive cooperation than by cutting the ties of cooperation.

  • Part of its cultural identity, its history, its fabric, comes from its historic ties with the shoemaking industry.

  • Our political ties need to be strengthened and broadened.

  • In addition, old historic ties between these areas would be broken.

  • Our ties are therefore based on a partnership instead of on aid and a relationship of dependency as before.

Más ejemplos de tie

Traducciones de tie en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    繫, 打結, 繫,縛,捆,紮…

  • 中文简体

    系, 打结, 系,缚,捆,扎…

  • Português

    amarrar, prender, fazer (nó)…

  • 日本語

    (紐やロープで)~をくくる, 縛る, ~を結ぶ…

  • Türk dili

    düğümlemek, bağlamak, aynı sayıda/sonuçta/skorda beraber olmak…

  • Français

    attacher, lier, nouer…

  • Catalan

    lligar, corbata…

  • العربية

    يَرْبُط, يَعْقِد, رَبْطة عُنُق (كِرافَتّة)…

Más traducciones de tie