connect Significado & definición

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Significado de connect en español

  • 0 to join two things or places together -- conectar, comunicar

  • 1 to join two or more things -- empalmar

    • to connect the pipes empalmarlos tubos

    • to connect the red wire to the red port conectar el cable rojo al puerto rojo

  • 2 to show or understand the relationship between two ideas, events, etc. -- vincular

    • Police have not been able to connect the victim with the suspects. La policía no ha podido vincular a la víctima con los sospechosos.

  • 3 to join to a system that supplies electricity, gas, etc. -- conectar

  • 4 (of people) to quickly feel a good relationship -- conectar

    • The two women connected right away. Las dos mujeres conectaron de inmediato.

  • 5 (of planes, buses, trains) to have schedules arranged so that one arrives before another leaves -- enlazar

    • to catch a connecting flight in Dallas enlazar un vuelo de conexión en Dallas

Más definiciones de connect

Ejemplos de connect

  • The topic of the cultural industries is closely connected to the topic of the economic value of culture.

  • Nobody connected its name with a concrete strategy.

  • Last, but not least, the fight against poverty and social exclusion should be connected to the existing programs.

  • We need simple legislation that we can understand, that our voters can understand, so that we can connect with our electorate.

  • Railways, rivers and canals connect those ports with largely the same industrial areas and with cities brimming with consumers.

  • This is new, it is the cornerstone, a bridge that connects economic and environmental legislation.

  • This is a vital budget line to assist developing countries connect with the global trading system.

  • One crucial one is how we connect our investment and research and development and innovation to the production system itself.

Más ejemplos de connect

Traducciones de connect en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    連接, (使或被)連接, (使或被)相連…

  • 中文简体

    连接, (使或被)连接, (使或被)相连…

  • Português

    conectar, ligar…

  • 日本語

    ~をつなげる, ~とつながる…

  • Türk dili

    birleştirmek, bağlamak, bağlantı kurmak…

  • Français

    raccorder, brancher, établir un rapport avec/entre…

  • Catalan

    connectar, comunicar…

  • العربية

    يَصِل, يَرْبِط…

Más traducciones de connect