pretty Significado & definición

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Significado de pretty en español

  • 0 quite, but not very -- bastante

  • 1 nice to look at or attractive -- bonito, lindo

  • 2 (of a person, especially a girl or woman) very attractive -- bonito/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a pretty young woman una mujer joven y guapa

    • She’s very pretty. Ella es muy guapa.

  • 3 (of a place or thing) nice to look at or listen to -- hermoso/sa [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a pretty little town un pueblo muy bonito

    • The waves look pretty in the sunlight. Las olas están bonitas a la luz del sol.

    • a pretty song una hermosa canción

  • 4 used to say humorously that sth is not attractive, happy, or successful -- no ser nada agradable de ver

    • All those big football fans crying – it was not a pretty sight. Todos esos grandes aficionados al fútbol llorando – no era nada agradable de ver

  • 5 fairly, quite -- bastante

    • The test was pretty hard. El examen fue bastante difícil.

    • It was a pretty good show. Fue un espectáculo bastante bueno.

  • 6 almost -- casi

    • We’re pretty much done. Casi hemos terminado.

Más definiciones de pretty

Ejemplos de pretty

  • But a pretty name can hide something far less pleasant, and this seems to be a case in point.

  • Despite its pretty words, this report also moves in the same direction.

  • The past is not a pretty picture.

  • In this way, the concept of human rights is diluted, watered down and devalued, which is pretty serious.

  • This leads in effect to some pretty ridiculous situations.

  • It seems pretty clear who is attacking freedom of opinion.

  • It is pretty hard to take that you are now trying to prevent me from speaking.

  • That is pretty easy: democracy, democracy and democracy.

Más ejemplos de pretty

Traducciones de pretty en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    相當,頗,很,非常, (尤指女孩、女子或與其相關事物)漂亮的,美麗的,標緻的…

  • 中文简体

    相当,颇,很,非常, (尤指女孩、女子或与其相关事物)漂亮的,美丽���,标致的…

  • Português

    bem, bonito, gracioso…

  • 日本語

    けっこう, かなり, かわいい…

  • Türk dili

    oldukça, epey, bir hayli…

  • Français

    joli/-ie, beau/belle, assez…

  • Catalan

    bastant, bonic…

  • العربية

    لَطيف إلى حَدّ ما, جَميل…

Más traducciones de pretty