rough Significado & definición

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Significado de rough en español

  • 0 A rough surface is not smooth. -- áspero, rugoso

  • 1 not completely accurate but close -- aproximado, a grandes rasgos

    • Can you give me a rough idea of the cost?

  • 2 dangerous or violent -- peligroso, violento

    • Hockey can be a rough game.

  • 3 If the sea or weather is rough, there is a lot of strong wind and sometimes rain. -- tempestuoso

  • 4 difficult or unpleasant -- difícil, desagradable

  • 5 in golf, an area of ground with long grass -- el rough

  • 6 having bumps or an uneven surface -- áspero/ra [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a rough road un camino irregular

    • My skin felt dry and rough. Mi piel estaba seca y áspera.

  • 7 (of a calculation or guess) not exact -- aproximado/da [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a rough estimate of the price una estimación aproximada del precio

    • I only had a rough idea of what to do. Solo tenía una idea aproximada de qué hacer.

  • 8 (of a situation) difficult to deal with -- duro/ra [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • She had a rough childhood. Ella tuvo una infancia dura.

  • 9 too forceful or violent -- duro/ra [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • their rough treatment of the animals su trato severo de los animales

  • 10 (of an area) full of violence -- violento/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • one of the roughest parts of town una de las zonas mas violentas de la ciudad

  • 11 (of the ocean) with lots of waves -- revuelto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a ship sailing in rough seas un barco navegando en mares revueltos

  • 12 not finished or perfected -- irregular [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

Más definiciones de rough

Traducciones de rough en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    不平坦的, 高低不平的, 崎嶇的…

  • 中文简体

    不平坦的, 高低不平的, 崎岖的…

  • Português

    áspero, enrugado, aproximado…

  • 日本語

    ざらざらした, でこぼこした, おおよその…

  • Türk dili

    pürüzlü, pütürlü, engebeli…

  • Français

    rêche, rugueux/-euse, approximatif/-ive…

  • Catalan

    aspre, raspós, aproximat…

  • العربية

    خَشِن, تَقْريبي, خَطِر…

Más traducciones de rough